Areas Quiz Set 018

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Question 1

The diagonal and one side of a rectangle are 17 m and 15 m. What is the percentage saving of a man who walks along the diagonal instead of the two sides?









Ans: a

The side = $√{17^2 - 15^2}$ = $√{289 - 225}$ = 8. So the saving = (15 + 8) - 17 = 6 meters. So the %-age saving is $6/23$ × 100 = ${600/23}$, which is same as: $26{2/23}$%.

Question 2

What is the cost of plastering, @50 paise per square meter, the walls and floor of a 12 m × 2 m. tank that is 22 meters high?


Rs. 320 .


Rs. 322 .


Rs. 318 .


Rs. 324 .

Ans: a

The area to be plastered is $(2 × l × h) + (2 × b × h) + (l × b)$ = (2 × 12 × 22) + (2 × 2 × 22) + (12 × 2) = 640 sq. m. The cost = 640 × 0.50 = Rs. 320.

Question 3

The length and breadth of a rectangle are in the ratio 19 : 7. What is the perimeter if the area is 2128 sq. meters?


208 meters.


210 meters.


206 meters.


212 meters.

Ans: a

Let L = 19x and B = 7x. We are given (19x × 7x) = 2128, which gives x = 4. So perimeter = 2 × ((19 × 4) + (7 × 4)) × = 208 meters.

Question 4

Two concentric circles of radii 11 and 4 cm are drawn on a paper. What is the area of the portion that is inside the outer circle but outside the inner circle?


105π sq. cm.


210π sq. m.


11025π sq. m.


52π sq. m.

Ans: a

The required area is difference of the areas of the two circles. π($11^2 - 4^2$) = 105π sq. cm.

Question 5

What is the ratio of the perimeter of a circle of radius 38 units to that of a square having the circle's diameter as its side?


π : 4.


π : 2.


38 : 3.


38 : π.

Ans: a

Let X be the radius of the circle, so the side of the square is 2X. The ratio of the perimeters = ${2 × π × X}/{4 × (2X)}$ = π/4.

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This Blog Post/Article "Areas Quiz Set 018" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-05-09

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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