Distance and Time Quiz Set 003

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Question 1

Bus X travels 50% faster than bus Y. They start together and meet at the same time after travelling a distance of 18km. What is the speed of the bus X, if the bus Y wasted 2 hours during its journey?


3 kmph.


4 kmph.


2 kmph.


5 kmph.

Ans: a

Let the speed of bus X be x, and of Y be 3x/2. The difference in the times taken by them is $18/x - 18/({3x}/2)$ = 2, which becomes 18 × $1/{3x}$ = 2. Solving, we get x = 3 km/h.

Question 2

A train takes 2 hours less if its speed is increased by 2 km/hr. What is the normal speed if the distance is 15km?









Ans: a

Let the normal speed be x km/hr. We have been given $15/x$ - $15/{x + 2}$ = 2. This translates to the quadratic equation $2x^2 + 4x - 30 = 0$, which can be solved to obtain x = 3 as the answer. If you don't want to solve the equation, then you can put each option into this equation and check that way. But this trick will work only if all the options have some numerical value.

Question 3

A car is moving at a speed of 30 meters per second. What is the speed in Km/h?


108 kmph.


109 kmph.


107 kmph.


110 kmph.

Ans: a

We know 1m/s = $18/5$ kmph. So 30m/s = $18/5 × 30$ = 108 kmph.

Question 4

A cyclist travels at a speed of 2km/h. Had he travelled at 9km/h he would have covered a distance of 42 km more. What is the total distance travelled by him?


12 km.


13 km.


11 km.


14 km.

Ans: a

By the given problem, the time is same for both cases. If the total distance covered by him at 2km/h is x, then, $x/2 = {x + 42}/9$. Solving, we obtain x = 12 km.

Question 5

A traveler travelled partly by camel @5 km/h and partly by car @15 km/h. He travelled a total distance 260 km in 20 hours. How much distance did he cover with the camel?


20 km.


21 km.


19 km.


22 km.

Ans: a

Let us suppose that he travels x km with the camel, and the remaining (260 - x) km with the car. Total time is $x/5 + {260 - x}/15 = 20.$ Solving, we get x = 20 km.

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This Blog Post/Article "Distance and Time Quiz Set 003" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-05-06

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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