Partnerships Quiz Set 014

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Question 1

Three investors, A, B and C, start a business with contributions in the ratio 1:3:5. What is the share of A if the annual profit is Rs. 7200?


Rs. 800.


Rs. 900.


Rs. 700.


Rs. 1000.

Ans: a

The profits are divided in proportion to the amount invested by each party. A's share = $1/{1 + 3 + 5}$ × 7200 = Rs. 800.

Question 2

A, B and C start a partnership business. A invests Rs. 300 and C invests Rs. 200. What should B have invested if it wanted to earn a share of Rs. 450 in the annual profit of Rs. 900?


Rs. 250.


Rs. 350.


Rs. 150.


Rs. 450.

Ans: a

By inspection, the desired share is 1/2 of the annual profit. So B should have contributed half of the capital, which is ${300 + 200}/2$ = Rs. 250.

Question 3

P and Q invest in a business in the ratio 7 : 15. If 5% of the profit is donated as flood relief, and P gets Rs. 1862, what is the profit?


Rs. 6160.


Rs. 6161.


Rs. 6159.


Rs. 6162.

Ans: a

Let the profit be 100. If share of P is 95 × $7/{7 + 15}$, the profit is 100. So if share of P is 1862, the profit should be 100 × ${7 + 15}/7 × 1862/95$ = Rs. 6160.

Question 4

It was agreed that A would invest Rs. 5000 for 1 months and B would invest Rs. 16000 for 11 months. What will be the share of A in an annual profit of Rs. 108600?


Rs. 3000.


Rs. 3100.


Rs. 2900.


Rs. 3200.

Ans: a

The profits are shared in the ratio of money-months contributed by the partners. Money-months contributed by A are 5000 × 1 = 5000, whereas those by B are 16000 × 11 = 176000. The ratio of these money-months is 5:176. This is the ratio in which the profits would be divided. A's share = 108600 × $5/{5 + 176}$ = Rs. 3000.

Question 5

A, B and C start a partnership business by investing equal amounts of money. What would be the share of B if the annual profit is Rs. 9600, and the time for which they invested was in the ratio 2:3:7?


Rs. 2400.


Rs. 2500.


Rs. 2300.


Rs. 2600.

Ans: a

The amounts are same but times are different. So the share should be in the ratio of times. Share of B = $3/{2 + 3 + 7}$ × 9600 = Rs. 2400.

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This Blog Post/Article "Partnerships Quiz Set 014" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-04-26

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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