Passwords and Inputs Quiz Set 17

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Question 1

"98 79 29 47 89 48 72 70" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.

  1. 70 79 29 47 89 48 72 98
  2. 70 72 29 47 89 48 79 98
  3. 70 72 29 47 48 89 79 98
  4. 70 72 29 47 48 79 89 98

If step 2 of an input is: 10 14 84 74 06 17 70 05, then what is step 5, if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?


10 14 05 06 70 17 74 84


10 14 05 74 06 17 70 84


10 74 84 14 06 17 70 05


10 14 84 74 06 17 70 05

Ans: a

In each step, the numbers whose sum of digits is smallest are being moved to the left. If the sum is equal, then the number on the left is given preference. These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with 10 14 84 74 06 17 70 05:

  • 10 14 84 74 06 17 70 05
  • 10 14 05 74 06 17 70 84
  • 10 14 05 06 74 17 70 84
  • 10 14 05 06 70 17 74 84

Question 2

"corporation it electronics located sony is in items" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.

  1. it corporation located electronics is sony items in
  2. in corporation located electronics is sony items it
  3. corporation in electronics located sony is it items
  4. items in electronics located sony is it corporation
  5. in items located electronics is sony corporation it
  6. it items located electronics is sony corporation in

If step 3 of an input is: different two same things to accomplish the at, then what is step 5, if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?


different two same things to accomplish the at


two at things same accomplish to different the


the different things same accomplish to at two


the at things same accomplish to different two

Ans: a

First, each pair of adjacent items is interchanged. Then first and last are interchanged. This sequence is repeated.

These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with different two same things to accomplish the at:

  • different two same things to accomplish the at
  • at two same things to accomplish the different
  • two at things same accomplish to different the
  • the at things same accomplish to different two

Question 3

"the game of cards has fiftytwo leaves" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.

  1. of game the cards has fiftytwo leaves
  2. of the game cards has fiftytwo leaves
  3. of the has cards game fiftytwo leaves
  4. of the has game cards fiftytwo leaves
  5. of the has game cards leaves fiftytwo

If step 1 of an input is: at independent clauses and multiple least one dependent clause, then what is step 3, if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?


at and one independent multiple least clauses dependent clause


at and one least multiple independent clauses dependent clause


at and one least clause clauses independent dependent multiple


at independent clauses and multiple least one dependent clause

Ans: a

In each step, the shortest words are being moved to the left. These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with at independent clauses and multiple least one dependent clause:

  • at independent clauses and multiple least one dependent clause
  • at and clauses independent multiple least one dependent clause
  • at and one independent multiple least clauses dependent clause
  • at and one least multiple independent clauses dependent clause
  • at and one least clause independent clauses dependent multiple
  • at and one least clause clauses independent dependent multiple
  • at and one least clause clauses multiple dependent independent

Question 4

"wait a cloud every has should lining so" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.

  1. so wait a cloud every has should lining
  2. lining so wait a cloud every has should
  3. should lining so wait a cloud every has
  4. has should lining so wait a cloud every
  5. every has should lining so wait a cloud
  6. cloud every has should lining so wait a

If an input is: key success work shortcut the no is to, then what is step 3, if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?


no is to key success work shortcut the


work shortcut the no is to key success


to key success work shortcut the no is


the no is to key success work shortcut

Ans: a

The words are being rotated left to right.

These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with key success work shortcut the no is to:

  • to key success work shortcut the no is
  • is to key success work shortcut the no
  • no is to key success work shortcut the
  • the no is to key success work shortcut
  • shortcut the no is to key success work
  • work shortcut the no is to key success

Question 5

"i will discuss how all of these elements are important" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.

  1. important will discuss how all of these elements are i
  2. important elements discuss how all of these will are i
  3. important elements discuss these all of how will are i
  4. important elements discuss these will of how all are i
  5. important elements discuss these will how of all are i
  6. important elements discuss these will how all of are i
  7. important elements discuss these will how all are of i

If an input is: sitting next to sham at the market was a great coincidence, then how many steps are required if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?









Ans: a

In each step, the longest words are being moved to the left. These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with coincidence next to sham at the market was a great sitting:

  1. coincidence next to sham at the market was a great sitting
  2. coincidence sitting to sham at the market was a great next
  3. coincidence sitting market sham at the to was a great next
  4. coincidence sitting market great at the to was a sham next
  5. coincidence sitting market great sham the to was a at next
  6. coincidence sitting market great sham next to was a at the
  7. coincidence sitting market great sham next was to a at the
  8. coincidence sitting market great sham next was the a at to
  9. coincidence sitting market great sham next was the at a to
  10. coincidence sitting market great sham next was the at to a

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This Blog Post/Article "Passwords and Inputs Quiz Set 17" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-02-09

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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