Ranking Test Quiz Set 09

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Question 1

Find the meaningful sequence:

(A) Country, (B) Home, (C) Self, (D) Family, (E) World.









Ans: b

Self(C) → Family(D) → Home(B) → Country(A) → World(E)

Question 2

Arrange the following words in a meaningful order:

(A) Wall, (B) Clay, (C) House, (D) Room, (E) Bricks.


E, B, A, D, C.


B, E, D, A, C.


A, B, C, D, E.


B, E, A, D, C.

Ans: d

The correct order is :

Clay(B) - Bricks(E) - Wall(A) - Room(D) - House(C)

Question 3

If Amandeep is taller than Surinder but shorter than Komal and Surinder is just as tall as Kamala but taller than Vandna, then Vandna is.


taller than all.


taller than nobody else.


shorter than Amandeep.


shorter than Surinder.

Ans: bcd

The facts are:

  1. Su < A < Ko.
  2. V < (Su = Ka)

The ordering is: V < Su(=Ka) < A < Ko.

Question 4

Raj earns more than Feroz but not as much as Jass. Karan earns less than Jass but not as little as Feroz. Lavleen earns more than Feroz but not as much as Raj. If they are arranged according their earnings who earns the least?









Ans: a

Facts are:

  1. F < R < J.
  2. F < K < J.
  3. F < L < R.

By inspection of the left side, we can see F only. So F for Firoz is the answer.

Question 5

Arrange the following words in a meaningful order:

(A) Pulp, (B) Print, (C) Paper, (D) Purchase, (E) Publish.


A, C, B, E, D.


A, D, E, B, C.


A, B, C, E, D.


A, E, D, B, C.

Ans: a

The correct order is :

Pulp(A) - Paper(C) - Print(B) - Publish(E) - Purchase(D)

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This Blog Post/Article "Ranking Test Quiz Set 09" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-02-08

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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