Ranking Test Quiz Set 13

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Question 1

Which of the following alphabetical sequence represents a correct chronological sequence?

(A) Seed, (B) Flower, (C) Soil, (D) Plant, (E) Fruit.


D, B, E, A, C.


B, E, D, A, C.


C, B, A, E, D.


C, A, D, B, E.

Ans: d

The correct order is :

Soil(C) - Seed(A) - Plant(D) - Flower(B) - Fruit(E)

Question 2

Gurleen is taller than Sham but not as tall as Dimpy. Dimpy and Ridham are of same height. Gurleen is shorter then Parveen. Who is the tallest in all?


Gurleen or Sham.


Sham or Ridham.


Dimpy or Parveen.


Ridham or Dimpy.

Ans: c

Facts are:

  1. S < G < D.
  2. D = R.
  3. G < P.

By inspection, D and P are on the right side, so we can shortlist them as possible answer. So D for Dimpy and P for Parveen are the tallest.

Question 3

Sham is taller than Arsh, Ravi is taller than Charnjeet but shorter than Balli. Arsh is shorter than Charanjeet. Charanjeet is taller than Sham. Who is the shortest?









Ans: d

The facts are:

  1. A < S.
  2. C < R < B.
  3. A < C.
  4. S < C.

The shortlisted answer is C, S or A. S is rejected by the first fact. C is rejected by the third fact. So A for Arsh is the answer.

Question 4

Arrange the following words in a meaningful order:

(A) Book, (B) Pulp, (C) Timber, (D) Jungle, (E) Paper.


C, B, E, A, D.


B, E, A, D, C.


D, C, B, E, A.


E, D, C, A, B.

Ans: c

The correct order is :

Jungle(D) - Timber(C) - Pulp(B) - Paper(E) - Book(A)

Question 5

Arrange the following words in a meaningful order:

(A) Never, (B) Sometimes, (C) Generally, (D) Seldom, (E) Always.


E, B, A, C, D.


E, C, B, A, D.


E, C, B, D, A.


E, B, D, C, A.

Ans: c

The correct order is :

Always(E) - Generally(C) - Sometimes(B) - Seldom(D) - Never(A)

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This Blog Post/Article "Ranking Test Quiz Set 13" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-02-08

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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