C/C++ Practice Questions on User Input Problem 8

This is my series on C/C++ problems for accepting user input in a robust way. The questions of this series start from C programs, and they slowly build and convert to classes, and which further build into inheritance. This is Problem 8 of this series.

Last Reviewed and Updated on February 7, 2020
Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer and Software Developer

User Input - Problem 8

Write a C-program based on _cgets that asks a user to enter two int. The program should perform validation on range, type and ask the user to re-enter till a valid number is entered. Finally, display the product of the two numbers. Also perform validation on the product.

// include all the headers
#include "conio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "ctype.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "errno.h"
// set maxchars = 12. We are setting it to 12 because the maximum
// no. of digits that we are to accept is 10. So if a user enters
// more than 10, we can return failure. We have to have a space
// for the -sign also
#define MAXCHARS    12
// declare the function
short GetConsoleInt (int* j);

main ()

    int iFirst, iSecond;

    while (1)

        while (0 != GetConsoleInt (&iFirst));

        while (0 != GetConsoleInt (&iSecond));

        if (0 != iSecond
        iFirst > INT_MAX/iSecond)

            printf ("The product would overflow. "
            "Re-enter numbers.\n\n");


        else break;


    printf ("Product of two numbers is: %d\n", iFirst * iSecond);


short GetConsoleInt (int* j)

    // set a buffer for saving six digits. buffer should be n + 3
    char cBuff [MAXCHARS + 3];

    char* cReturn = NULL;

    int iInputLength = 0, iLoopCtr = 0;

    short iRet = 0;

    cBuff [0] = MAXCHARS + 1;

    // the printf is now modular with INT_MAX
    printf ("Enter a number between -%d and +%d: ", INT_MAX, INT_MAX);

    cReturn = _cgets (cBuff);

    // save the length in a variable. Why are we saving it ?
    // we are saving it because strlen is a function which has an
    // overhead on each call. so if we are going to call strlen
    // many times[in a 'for' loop, for example] then it could
    // be too costly. so it is better to save it.
    iInputLength = strlen (cReturn);

    // if the user has not entered a proper string
    // we should say it is an error, we are taking the length = 10
    // but for 64-bit systems this won't work because INT_MAX
    // could be longer
    if (((('-' == cReturn [0]) || ('+' == cReturn [0]))
    11 < iInputLength)
    ('-' != cReturn [0]
    10 < iInputLength)
    (0 == iInputLength)

        iRet = -1;


    // now check each digit, do checking so long as iRet != -1
    for (
    iLoopCtr = 0;

    iLoopCtr < iInputLength && -1 != iRet;


        // if the user enters a sign, we should ignore it
        // in our validation. our purpose is to check for
        // valid numbers
        if (('-' == cReturn [0]) || ('+' == cReturn [0]))



        if (!isdigit (cReturn [iLoopCtr]))

            iRet = -1;



    if (-1 != iRet)

        // now verify if the number is within the range.
        // the range as you can see is INT_MAX. so
        *j = atoi (cReturn);

        // atoi sets errno to ERANGE if out of range occurs
        // the header errno.h is include at the top for this
        if (ERANGE == errno)

            iRet = -1;

            _set_errno (0);



// Robust programming:
    // remove any unwanted, unread characters from the stream
    if (MAXCHARS == iInputLength) _cgets (cBuff);


        cReturn = _cgets (cBuff);

    }while (0 != cReturn [0]);

    return iRet;


My C/C++ Videos on Youtube

Here is the complete playlist for video lectures and tutorials for the absolute beginners. The language has been kept simple so that anybody can easily understand them. I have avoided complex jargon in these videos.

Creative Commons License
This Blog Post/Article "C/C++ Practice Questions on User Input Problem 8" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2015-12-20