Online Sample Paper for IBPS Bank PO/MT, SO, RRB, Clerical Exams Set 4

Free online sample papers on for your practice. Each paper has 30 questions to be answered in 30 minutes. These questions cover the reasoning portion, like Venn Diagrams, Course of Action, etc., It will be useful for those preparing for IBPS Bank PO, Special Officers Exam, Regional Rural Banks Exam, Clerical Exams, etc., This is quiz no. 4 in this series.

Last Reviewed and Updated on February 7, 2020
Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer and Software Developer

Quiz Questions

Each question has four choices. More than one option can be correct. After you have finished the quiz scroll towards the last question to view your result. I have provided solutions and answers to all the questions.

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Question 1

Statement: The residents asked the government to extend the bus service to Kalagram as it would be more convenient.

Assumptions: .

  1. The government is indifferent to the convenience of the people.
  2. The convenience of bus service is more important than the convenience of the people.

I and II are implicit.


Neither I nor II is implicit.


Only I is implicit.


Only II is implicit.

Ans: B

The government hasn't refused the request, so we cannot say government is indifferent. Similarly, until and unless there is some refusal from the government and reasons known it is not possible to assume II.

Question ID: 16-02-08-10-13-19-031.
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Question 2

Which letter will be the 5th from right if 1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th and so on are interchanged in the word INSTALLMENTS?









Ans: B

The new letter is: NITSLAMLNEST

Question ID: 16-02-10-11-59-51-916.
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Question 3

If Sphere : Circle, then?


Pentagon : triangle.


Cone : Circle.


Cube : Line.


Cuboids : Rectangle.

Ans: D

Sphere is a three dimensional object having a circle as a cross-section, and cuboids is also a three dimensional object having a rectangular cross-section.

Question ID: 16-02-10-11-48-54-261.
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Question 4


Poverty is increasing because the top level bosses do not know anything about the problems of the poor people. Nor do they understand what poverty really is.

Courses of Action:
  1. The top level bosses should live in poor conditions.
  2. The top level bosses should come from the poorer sections of the society.
  3. The top level bosses should be replaced.

Only I follows.


Only II follows.


Either I or III follows.


All follow.

Ans: B
Question ID: 16-02-10-11-22-17-043.
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Question 5

If the items from position 4 to the position 10 are reversed, then which item comes at position 14 in the following series? The series is:

M $ L H B 1 V C E Z D @ Q G 4 A 3 P X T









Ans: D

The position 14 falls outside the reversed positions. So the item at this position is the item at position 14 in the original series, which is G

Question ID: 16-02-10-11-59-51-353.
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Question 6

Among five friends, Malkeet is older than Ravi but not as old as Lakbeer. Lakbeer is older than Nirmal and Karamjeet. Nirmal is younger than Ravi but not the youngest. Who is the oldest in age ?









Ans: A
  1. R < M < L.
  2. N(K) < L.
  3. N < R.

Since N is not the youngest, the second fact above becomes K < N < L. The arrangement becomes:

K < N < R < M < L.

Question ID: 16-02-08-10-33-47-039.
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Question 7

"78 76 16 60 27 50 79 08" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.

  1. 08 76 16 60 27 50 79 78
  2. 08 76 16 60 27 50 78 79
  3. 08 16 76 60 27 50 78 79
  4. 08 16 27 60 76 50 78 79
  5. 08 16 27 60 50 76 78 79
  6. 08 16 27 50 60 76 78 79

If step 1 of an input is: 13 41 35 47 43 90 52 46, then what is step 4, if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?


13 35 41 47 43 46 52 90


13 41 35 47 43 46 52 90


13 41 35 47 43 90 52 46


13 35 41 46 43 47 52 90

Ans: D

In each step, the smallest numbers are being moved to the left, and in the next step largest to the right side. These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with 13 41 35 47 43 90 52 46:

  • 13 41 35 47 43 90 52 46
  • 13 41 35 47 43 46 52 90
  • 13 35 41 47 43 46 52 90
  • 13 35 41 46 43 47 52 90
  • 13 35 41 43 46 47 52 90
Question ID: 16-02-02-11-32-25-015.
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Question 8

Sara remembers that birthday of Akshat is after Dec 9 but before Dec 16, but Sham remembers that it is between 3 and 11 Dec. If it was Monday on Dec 3, what is the day of the week on the correct date, if both of them remember well?









Ans: C

Probable dates according to Sara are 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; Probable dates according to Sham are 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; The common date is: 10, and the day will be Monday

Question ID: 16-03-09-10-38-14-071.
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Question 9

Which will be the mirror image of this image if a mirror is placed at the bottom of the image?

These are the answer Images.









Ans: D
Question ID: 16-02-09-12-31-23-285.
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Question 10

In the number series given below, how many 8 are there that are not divisible by the number on their left but completely divisible by the number that is second to their right?

7 1 1 9 2 8 4 4 8 8 4 6 8 2 5 9 8 5 3









Ans: B


Question ID: 16-02-10-11-59-51-356.
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Question 11

The question image is embedded and hidden inside which one of the answer images below?

Question Image:

Answer Images:

Ans: D
Question ID: 16-02-17-09-00-14-046.
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Question 12

How many blocks touch block X?


at least 4.


at least 6.


at least 3.


at least 5.

Ans: D
Question ID: 16-02-10-11-35-27-083.
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Question 13

In a certain code language 'chocolate is sweet' means 'yej zof suo' and 'sweet causes cavity' means 'zof goh kip'. Then what is the code for 'sweet'?









Ans: B

'sweet' is common to items 1 and 2. From their codes we can see that 'zof' is common, and therefore the required answer.

Question ID: 16-02-22-07-49-18-129.
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Question 14

Statements:All beds are houses. No beds is toffee.


  1. No houses is toffee.
  2. All beds are toffees.

Only I follows.


Neither I nor II follows.


Only II follows.


Either I or II follows.

Ans: A
Question ID: 16-03-03-08-18-41-085.
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Question 15

If the second half of the following series is reversed, then which item is 5th to the left of the 6th item from the right side? The series is:

L Q G M C T $ % U K D W 6 P R X O V 8 @









Ans: D

Midpoint is 10. We have to find 20 - 6 - 5 = 9 + 1th item from the left side. Since the location lies in the left half, reversing the series has no effect in this zone. So counting from the left side, the item is K.

Question ID: 16-02-10-11-59-51-1107.
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Question 16

It is morning time. Two friends - Sehaj and Rana are walking towards each other in a park. When they meet, the shadow of Rana falls towards the right side of Sehaj. In which direction was Sehaj facing?









Ans: B

Sun rises in the east in the morning. So the shadow of a Rana will fall towards the west. Hence Sehaj is facing towards South.

Question ID: 16-01-11-01-03-28-050.
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Question 17

In a certain code language 'dog eats meat' means '387 832 835', 'cat dog fight' means '964 832 916' and 'fight not good' means '683 346 964'. Then what is the code for 'dog'?









Ans: C

'dog' is common to items 1 and 2. From their codes we can see that '832' is common, and therefore the required answer.

Question ID: 16-02-22-07-49-18-127.
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Question 18

Statements:All desks are cloths. No cloth is lamp. Some lamps are candles.


  1. Some cloths are desks.
  2. Some candles are cloths.

Only II follows.


Only neither I nor II follows.


Only either I or II follows.


Only I follows.

Ans: D
Question ID: 16-03-03-08-18-41-190.
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Question 19

A, B, C and D appeared in an examination. Marks obtained by A were less than the marks obtained by B. C's marks were more than those of B but not more than marks obtained by D, Who got the second highest marks?






B or C.



Ans: D

Facts are:

  1. A < B.
  2. B < C < D.

Obviously, the marks in ascending order are: A < B < C < D.

Question ID: 16-02-08-10-33-47-018.
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Question 20

In this question four positions of a dice are shown. Which face will be opposite to the face with value C.

Ans: C
The faces adjacent to the face C are E, F, B and D, so the remaining option, A, is the correct face.
Question ID: 16-02-09-10-50-09-031.
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Question 21

If Nose : Face, then?


Four : Number.


Health : Body.


Touch : Smell.


Disease : Medicine.

Ans: A

Nose is a part of face. Four is a part of the numbers.

Question ID: 16-02-10-11-48-54-267.
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Question 22

Which of the following bears the same relation to Goldsmith as is the relation between "Blacksmith" and "Iron"?









Ans: B

Professionals and the primary instrument or thing they deal and work with.

Question ID: 16-02-10-11-48-54-308.
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Question 23

Statements:All books are stars. Some stars are rocks. All rocks are mountains.


  1. Some mountains are stars.
  2. Some mountains are books.
  3. Some stars are books.

Only I and III follows.


Only III follows.


All follows.


Only I follows.

Ans: A
Question ID: 16-03-03-08-18-41-096.
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Question 24

Statement: It is dangerous to take this preparation except under medical supervision - written on the label of a bottle.


  1. People will not take this medicine on their own.
  2. The doctors will not prescribe this medicine to a patient.

I and II are implicit.


Only I is implicit.


Only II is implicit.


Either I or II is implicit.

Ans: B

The warning has been put on the label so that people read it and do not take it accidentally. So the assumption is that people will not take this medicine without asking a doctor. I is implicit. There is nothing that suggests that the doctors won't prescribe it, so II is not implicit.

Question ID: 16-02-08-10-13-19-034.
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Question 25

"10 55 kilo veil 48 97 ache ugly" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.

  1. veil 55 10 kilo ugly 48 97 ache
  2. kilo 55 veil 10 ache ugly 48 97
  3. 10 55 kilo veil 97 ache ugly 48
  4. veil 55 10 kilo 48 97 ache ugly
  5. kilo 55 veil 10 ugly 48 97 ache
  6. 10 55 kilo veil ache ugly 48 97
  7. veil 55 10 kilo 97 ache ugly 48
  8. kilo 55 veil 10 48 97 ache ugly

Which of the following steps would read as "53 26 veil vase vote ugly 35 63" if the input is "vase 26 53 veil ugly 35 63 vote", and the re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?









Ans: D

In each step, 4 comes to 1, 1 goes to 3, 3 goes to 4 and the last item goes to 6. These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with vase 26 53 veil ugly 35 63 vote:

  1. veil 26 vase 53 vote ugly 35 63
  2. 53 26 veil vase 63 vote ugly 35
  3. vase 26 53 veil 35 63 vote ugly
  4. veil 26 vase 53 ugly 35 63 vote
  5. 53 26 veil vase vote ugly 35 63
  6. vase 26 53 veil 63 vote ugly 35
  7. veil 26 vase 53 35 63 vote ugly
  8. 53 26 veil vase ugly 35 63 vote
Question ID: 16-02-02-11-32-41-007.
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Question 26

The rows and columns of the left matrix have been labelled as 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and K, L, M, N, O, whereas those of the right matrix are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and F, G, H, I, J. Find the correct row-column pairs out of these matrices that decode to the word - 6KGV


L5, M9, F4, I4


N5, K8, H3, L7


L6, L7, F2, L5


K7, K6, F3, F2

Ans: A

6 occurs at: K7 ;L5 ;L6 ;N5 ;N6 ;
K occurs at: K6 ;K8 ;L7 ;M9 ;N9 ;
G occurs at: F2 ;F3 ;F4 ;H3 ;J3 ;
V occurs at: F0 ;G0 ;G3 ;I4 ;J0 ;

Question ID: 16-02-09-02-33-00-137.
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Question 27

Statements:Some water are milk. Some milk are drink.


  1. Some drink are water.
  2. No drink are water.

Only II follows.


Only I follows.


Either I or II follows.


Neither I nor II follows.

Ans: C
Question ID: 16-03-03-08-18-41-103.
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Question 28

Statements:Some jug are cup. All cup are ornaments. Some ornaments are treasures. No treasure is picture. All colors are pictures. Some pictures are jug.


  1. All ornaments which are jug are necessarily cup.
  2. No color is treasure.

Neither conclusion I nor II follows.


Only conclusion I follows.


Either conclusion I or II follows.


Only conclusion II follows.

Ans: D
Question ID: 16-03-03-08-18-41-151.
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Question 29

A ship sailed 40 km towards West, took a left turn and sailed for 30 km. Then it took a right turn and travelled for a distance of 20 km. Then it again took a right turn and travelled 30 km. How far was it from the starting point ?


70 km.


60 km.


90 km.


20 km.

Ans: B

EF + FG = 40 + 20 = 60 km.

Question ID: 16-01-11-01-03-28-051.
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Question 30

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting around a circular table.

  1. F is 2nd to the right of G.
  2. E, the neighbor of C, is 4th to the right of G.
  3. D is between E and A.
  4. B is the neighbor of F but not of E.

Who is to the left of G?









Ans: B

The seating arrangement in clockwise direction is: G-B-F-C-E-D-A.

Person A is to the left of G.

Question ID: 16-01-13-09-26-42-027.
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This Blog Post/Article "Online Sample Paper for IBPS Bank PO/MT, SO, RRB, Clerical Exams Set 4" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-03-12