Quiz Questions
Each question has four choices. More than one option can be correct. After you have finished the quiz scroll towards the last question to view your result. I have provided solutions and answers to all the questions.
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Question 1
Statement: The local cultural club decided to organize a musical event to raise money for the construction of the club building.
Assumptions: .
- The local residents may not allow the club to organize the musical event in the locality.
- The money collected by organizing the musical event may be substantial enough for the club to start construction.
Either I or II is implicit.
Only I is implicit.
Neither I nor II is implicit.
Only II is implicit.
Ans: C
Neither (I) nor (II) is implicit.
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Question 2
The question image is embedded and hidden inside which one of the answer images below?
Question Image:
Answer Images:
Ans: B
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Question 3
Six girls are sitting in a circle. A is facing B. B is to the right of E and left of C. C is to the left of D. F is to the right of A. Now D exchanges his seat with F, and E with B.
Who will be sitting to the left of C?
Ans: C
The final seats clockwise after exchanges are: D-A-F-C-E-B.
E is sitting to the left of C.
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Question 4
The question image is embedded and hidden inside which one of the answer images below?
Question Image:
Answer Images:
Ans: C
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Question 5
Statement: An advertisement by bank A-'Our interest rates for education loans are lower than any other bank'.
Assumptions: .
- Some other banks also provide education loans.
- Interest rates charged on education loans vary from bank to bank.
Either I or II is implicit.
Only II is implicit.
I and II are implicit.
Only I is implicit.
Ans: C
A comparison of rates means some other banks are also providing education loans. Also interest rates varies bank to bank, so, both assumptions are implicit.
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Question 6
The question image is embedded and hidden inside which one of the answer images below?
Question Image:
Answer Images:
Ans: B
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Question 7
The question image is embedded and hidden inside which one of the answer images below?
Question Image:
Answer Images:
Ans: D
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Question 8
Which will be the mirror image of this image if a mirror is placed at the bottom of the image?
These are the answer Images.
Ans: A
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Question 9
A garden always has a -
Ans: D
A garden is basically a place where flowers exist. It may have a specific entrance or can be any open area.
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Question 10
Arrange the following words in a meaningful order:
(A) Windows, (B) Walls, (C) Floor, (D) Foundation, (E) Roof, (F)Room.
D, B, A, E, C, F.
D, A, E, F, B, C.
D, E, C, B, A, F.
D, C, E, F, B, A.
Ans: A
The correct order is :
Foundation(D) - Walls(B) - Windows(A) - Roof(E) - Floor(C) - Room(F)
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Question 11
13, 32, 24, 43, 35, (?), 46, 65, 57, 76.
Ans: D

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Question 12
If Fan : Air, then?
Bed : Sleep.
Warehouse : Wheat.
Parents : Lunch.
Clouds : Rain.
Ans: D
Air comes from fan, and rain from clouds. Cause and effect type of relation.
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Question 13
If ' LOGIC' is coded in a certain language as 'BHFNK', how is 'CLERK' coded in the same language?
Ans: C
The first letter of 'LOGIC' is next letter of the last letter of 'BHFNK' in alphabetical order and so on.
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Question 14
Which will be the mirror image of this image if a mirror is placed at the bottom of the image?
These are the answer Images.
Ans: C
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Question 15
After the introduction of gel pens, the sale of ball point pens has fallen sharply. This has happened only in India.
Courses of Action:- Manufacturing of ball point pens should be stopped.
- Manufacturing of gel pens should be stopped.
Only II follows.
Only I follows.
Either I or II follows.
Neither I or II follows.
Ans: D
Companies should do research for causes of decline of sales.
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Question 16
Statements:All rolls are bikes. Some bikes are desks. All desks are chairs.
- Some desks are rolls.
- Some chairs are rolls.
Neither I nor II follows.
Only II follows.
Only either I or II follows.
Only I follows.
Ans: A

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Question 17
Read these facts carefully.
- Eight persons E, F, G, H, I, J, K and L are seated around a square table - two on each side.
- There are three lady members and they are not seated next to each other.
- J is between L and F.
- G is between I and F.
- H, a lady member, is second to the left of J.
- F, a male member, is seated opposite to E, a lady member.
- There is a lady member between F and I.
Which of the following is true about J?
J is a male member.
J is sitting adjacent to K.
J is female member.
Cannot be said whether J is male or female.
Ans: A
It is clear that J is a male member.
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Question 18
Karan left home and cycled 10 m. towards South, then turned right and cycled 5 m. and then again turned right and cycled 10 m. After this he turned left and cycled 10 m. How many meters will he have to cycle to reach his home straight ?
10 m.
25 m.
20 m.
15 m.
Ans: D
Distance = 5 +10 = 15 m.

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Question 19
Which will be the mirror image of this image if a mirror is placed at the bottom of the image?
These are the answer Images.
Ans: B
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Question 20
In a unit test Summit's marks in Punjabi are more than her marks in Computer but not more than History. Her marks in Hindi are more than that in Computer but not as much as in Punjabi and her marks in English are not as much as in Computer. In which subject did she score the lowest?
Ans: A
Facts are:
- C < P < Hist.
- C < H < P.
- E < C.
By inspection of the left hand sides, C and E are shortlisted as answers. But by the last fact C defeats E. So E for English is the answer.
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Question 21
Ans: D
(4 x 7) / 4 = 7, (6 x 2) / 3 = 4 ∴ (6 x 2) / 2 = 6.
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Question 22
Statement: "Don't park your vehicles on the road" - a notice board by the traffic police.
- There is a space for parking nearby.
- Traffic police is indifferent to the parking problems of vehicle owners.
Only II is implicit.
I and II are implicit.
Either I or II is implicit.
Only I is implicit.
Ans: D
The police knows that there is a parking space nearby, from where the vehicle owners can walk, that's why it has put that notice. So I is implicit, and II is not.
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Question 23
The rows and columns of the left matrix have been labelled as 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and G, H, I, J, K, whereas those of the right matrix are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and L, M, N, O, P. Find the correct row-column pairs out of these matrices that decode to the word - GTNX
G5, H5, L4, I7
H7, K6, L1, L3
I9, K8, N1, N0
G7, I7, N0, H7
Ans: B
G occurs at: G5 ;G6 ;G7 ;H7 ;I9 ;
T occurs at: H5 ;I5 ;I7 ;K6 ;K8 ;
N occurs at: L1 ;L4 ;M4 ;N0 ;N1 ;
X occurs at: L0 ;L3 ;M2 ;O0 ;P1 ;
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Question 24
The Independence Day on 15 August 1996 was celebrated on a Wednesday. On what day was it celebrated in the year 1996?
Ans: B
Difference of number of days from 15th Aug. 1996 to 15th Aug. 1996 is 365. After diving 365 by 7 we get 1 as remainder. Therefore, 1 day after Wednesday is Thursday.
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Question 25
If ACNE is coded as 3,7,29,11, then BOIL will be coded as -
5, 31, 21, 25.
5, 29 19, 27.
5, 29, 19, 25.
5, 31, 19, 25.
Ans: D
If n is the position of a letter in the alphabet, then the code is 2n + 1. A has position 1, so its code is 2x1 + 1 = 3, and so on.
B = 2, becomes 2x2 +1 = 5, O = 15 becomes 2x15 + 1 = 31, I is 9 becomes 19, and L is 12 becomes 25.
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Question 26
If BEST is written as VYMN, then DTCP may be written as -
Ans: D
Each letter of the word BEST has been written with a gap of 5 letters backward in the alphabetical order, for example B changes to V like this - B-A-Z-Y-X-W-V-
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Question 27
Read these facts carefully.
- A, B ,C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a row facing North.
- A is fourth to the right of E.
- H is fourth to the left of D.
- C and F, which are not at the ends, are neighbors of B and E, respectively.
- H is next to the left of A and A is the neighbor of B.
Who is(or are) the neighbor of D?
B and C.
C alone.
F alone.
B alone.
Ans: B
Because D is to the extreme right hence has only one neighbor C.
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Question 28
"30 87 89 33 65 86 27 46" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.
- 27 87 89 33 65 86 30 46
- 27 87 46 33 65 86 30 89
- 27 30 46 33 65 86 87 89
- 27 30 33 46 65 86 87 89
If an input is: 60 13 95 77 22 93 11 24, then how many steps are required if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?
Ans: A
In each step, the smallest numbers are being moved to the left, and in the next step largest to the right side. These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with 60 13 95 77 22 93 11 24:
- 11 13 95 77 22 93 60 24
- 11 13 24 77 22 93 60 95
- 11 13 24 77 22 60 93 95
- 11 13 22 77 24 60 93 95
- 11 13 22 60 24 77 93 95
- 11 13 22 24 60 77 93 95
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Question 29
"sage nail 34 49 jaws 20 00 verb" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.
- jaws nail 34 49 sage 20 00 verb
- jaws 00 34 49 sage 20 nail verb
- jaws 00 nail 49 sage 20 34 verb
- jaws 00 nail 20 sage 49 34 verb
- jaws 00 nail 20 sage 34 49 verb
- jaws 00 nail 20 sage 34 verb 49
If an input is: 95 49 20 hair game gain oath 65, then how many steps are required if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?
Ans: B
In each step, English words and numbers are alternately being arranged in ascending order. An English word is placed, then a number, and so on. These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with 95 49 20 hair game gain oath 65:
- gain 49 20 hair game 95 oath 65
- gain 20 49 hair game 95 oath 65
- gain 20 game hair 49 95 oath 65
- gain 20 game 49 hair 95 oath 65
- gain 20 game 49 hair 65 oath 95
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Question 30
Belly is to Stomach as Beneficial is to.
Ans: A
The words are synonyms.
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This Blog Post/Article "Online Sample Paper for IBPS Bank PO/MT, SO, RRB, Clerical Exams Set 6" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-03-12