Online Sample Paper for IBPS Bank PO/MT, SO, RRB, Clerical Exams Set 84

Free online sample papers on for your practice. Each paper has 30 questions to be answered in 30 minutes. These questions cover the reasoning portion, like Venn Diagrams, Course of Action, etc., It will be useful for those preparing for IBPS Bank PO, Special Officers Exam, Regional Rural Banks Exam, Clerical Exams, etc., This is quiz no. 84 in this series.

Last Reviewed and Updated on February 7, 2020
Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer and Software Developer

Quiz Questions

Each question has four choices. More than one option can be correct. After you have finished the quiz scroll towards the last question to view your result. I have provided solutions and answers to all the questions.

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Question 1

Two matrices are shown in the figure below. Their rows and columns are labelled as (0,1,2,3,4) and (5,6,7,8,9) in the manner shown. Find the correct row-column pairs out of the following matrices that decode to the word - ABYS


11, 42, 99, 66


10, 33, 89, 14


23, 40, 95, 87


21, 14, 87, 11

Ans: A

A occurs at: 10 ;11 ;21 ;22 ;23 ;
B occurs at: 03 ;14 ;33 ;40 ;42 ;
Y occurs at: 85 ;87 ;89 ;95 ;99 ;
S occurs at: 56 ;59 ;66 ;67 ;98 ;

Question ID: 16-02-09-02-33-00-016.
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Question 2

Standing at a railway station Kirat remembers that distance of Rajpura is more than 18 KM but less than 25 KM, but Dev knows that it is between 23 and 26 KM. What is the correct distance if both of them are right?


22 KM.


23 KM.


25 KM.


24 KM.

Ans: D

Probable distances according to Kirat are 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; Probable distances according to Dev are 24; 25; The common distance is: 24.

Question ID: 16-03-09-10-38-14-050.
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Question 3

How many pairs of letters are there in the word CONJUNCTIVAE which have as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet?









Ans: C
  1. cONjunctivae
  2. cOnjunctivaE
  3. coNjunctivaE
  4. conjuncTiVae
Question ID: 16-02-10-11-59-51-1153.
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Question 4

Which will be the mirror image of this image if a mirror is placed at the bottom of the image?

These are the answer Images.









Ans: D
Question ID: 16-02-09-12-31-23-031.
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Question 5

Statements:All board are houses. No houses is road. Some roads are hills.


  1. Some roads are board.
  2. Some houses are board.
  3. Some hills are houses.

Only I follows.


Only II follows.


Only III follows.


Only I and II follows.

Ans: B
Question ID: 16-03-03-08-18-41-033.
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Question 6

Cynology is to Dogs as Deltiology is to.









Ans: D

Topics of study and what that study is called.

Question ID: 16-02-10-11-48-54-196.
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Question 7

Two matrices are shown in the figure below. Their rows and columns are labelled as (0,1,2,3,4) and (5,6,7,8,9) in the manner shown. Find the correct row-column pairs out of the following matrices that decode to the word - EACH


23, 42, 85, 86


02, 22, 58, 57


41, 00, 75, 33


04, 33, 57, 23

Ans: A

E occurs at: 02 ;04 ;20 ;23 ;41 ;
A occurs at: 00 ;14 ;22 ;33 ;42 ;
C occurs at: 56 ;57 ;58 ;75 ;85 ;
H occurs at: 55 ;59 ;69 ;86 ;87 ;

Question ID: 16-02-09-02-33-00-030.
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Question 8

How many degrees does a minute hand sweep in 15 minutes?









Ans: B

In 60 mins the angle is 360°. So in 1 min it will sweep by 360/60 = 6°. Therefore in 15 mins it will sweep by 6 x 15 = 90°

Question ID: 16-03-09-10-38-14-123.
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Question 9

If Loathe : Coercion, then?


Detest : Caressing.


Reluctant : Persuasion.


Irate : Caressing.


Irritate :Antagonism.

Ans: D

Loathe is a verb, intense dislike for someone or something, coercion is a noun, asking someone to do something by force or threats. So the closes pair is irritate/antagonism.

Question ID: 16-02-10-11-48-54-063.
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Question 10

  1. Ten cages numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are situated adjacent to one another in two different rows of 5 cages each.
  2. Ten animals M, N, O, P, Q, R, S T, U and V are housed in these cages.
  3. Cages with odd numbers are situated opposite to the cages with even numbers, and no two cages with even numbers and no two cages with odd numbers are adjacent to each other.
  4. Cage No. 8 is occupied by N and it is to the extreme left of one row.
  5. Cages 4 and 6 are not in the row of cage no. 8 and any of the cages numbered 4, 6, 2 are not in the middle of the row.
  6. T lives in cage no. 5 and its cage is not situated in the row in which cage no. 6 is situated.
  7. O is housed in an odd numbered cage and resides in the row in which the N resides but both are not adjacent to each other.
  8. Q's and R's cages are adjacent to cage no. 6 However, R's cage is not adjacent to cage no 4.
  9. M's and V's cages are in the same row.
  10. P's cage is even numbered and is diagonally opposite to cage no. 1.
  11. Cage no. 6 is second from one of the ends of its own row.
  12. No two cages have consecutive number on them and S's cage is neither opposite to Q's cage nor adjacent to it.

Which of the following statement is not correct?


V and O are in the same row.


M lives either in cage no. 6 or 4.


P is in cage 2.


Q's cage is adjacent to V's cage.

Ans: A

Arrangement is like this:

1(S)---4(M/V)---9 (Q)---6(M/V)---3(R)
Question ID: 16-01-13-09-26-42-102.
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Question 11

In the given diagram the circle stands for "educated", square for "lazy", triangle for "urban" and the rectangle for "honest" people. Different regions in the diagram are numbered from 2 to 13. Study the diagram and choose the correct answer.

Number 4 is best described as consisting of

People who are urban, lazy, honest and educated.
People who are uneducated, urban, honest and lazy.
People who are non-urban, honest, uneducated and lazy.
People who are uneducated, urban, lazy and dishonest.
Ans: B
4 is common to triangle, rectangle and square, but outside the circle.
Question ID: 16-01-10-05-42-11-044.
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Question 12

The digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are arranged in a line left to right. 1 is an immediate neighbor of 5 and 2. 4 is second to the left of 5. 6 is second to the right of 2. 3 is not an immediate neighbor of 6. There are two persons between 2 and 8.

Which digit is sitting between 5 and 4?









Ans: D

The arrangement left to right: 4-3-5-1-2-7-6-8.

Question ID: 16-01-13-09-26-42-107.
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Question 13

Divide and Rule policy was followed only by the British in India.









Ans: C

Many examples exist where this policy was followed by Germany, Belgium in Africa, British in Nigeria, Mongols followed it in China, It was followed by Romans much before. It is wrong to say that only the British followed it in India.

Question ID: 16-02-08-10-17-01-017.
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Question 14

"nail 16 lady 35 74 balm 89 oath" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.

  1. oath 16 lady 35 74 balm 89 nail
  2. oath 16 nail 35 74 balm 89 lady
  3. oath 16 nail 35 lady balm 89 74
  4. oath 16 nail 35 lady 74 89 balm
  5. oath 16 nail 35 lady 74 balm 89

If an input is: 15 48 ware unit race 99 02 abet, then how many steps are required if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?









Ans: B

In each step, English words and numbers are alternately being arranged. Strings are in descending order, and numbers are in ascending order. An English word is placed, then a number, and so on. These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with 15 48 ware unit race 99 02 abet:

  1. ware 48 15 unit race 99 02 abet
  2. ware 02 15 unit race 99 48 abet
  3. ware 02 unit 15 race 99 48 abet
  4. ware 02 unit 15 race 48 99 abet
  5. ware 02 unit 15 race 48 abet 99
Question ID: 16-02-02-11-32-25-005.
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Question 15

In North India, a widow can marry her brother-in-law but a widower cannot marry his sister-in-law.









Ans: C

There is no such law in India, but it might be tradition in certain parts.

Question ID: 16-02-08-10-17-01-016.
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Question 16

How many blocks touch block Z?


at least 5.


at least 6.


at least 7.


at least 4.

Ans: A
Question ID: 16-02-10-11-35-27-056.
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Question 17

Directions: In column I, some words are given. In column II, their codes are given but they are not arranged in same order in which they are in column I. Study the letters in both the columns and find out the code to the letter given in each of the following questions.

Column I Column II
(1) SOUND (A) mbi
(2) ADDRESS (B) cjav
(3) CRUX (C) idaop
(4) NET (D) ijdtv
(5) CRONY (E) jdgotv
(6) CROWDY (F) blooppv

What is the code for the letter T?









Ans: C

NET has 3 letters, so its code is mbi. Out of the four options we can see E/T is either m or b. Now ADDRESS is 7 letters and contains only E, but not T, so from its code bloopv we can see that E = b. Hence T = m.

Question ID: 16-02-22-07-53-39-083.
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Question 18

In a certain code language 'faster calculations math methods' means '245 591 573 168', 'calculations without calculator needed' means '671 281 246 573', 'shortcut techniques analytical methods' means '853 169 591 742' and 'calculator not nice tool' means '671 735 865 734'. Then what is the code for 'calculations methods'?


281 671


168 734


573 591


169 742

Ans: C

'573' is common to items 1 and 2. So '573' = 'calculations'. Next we can see that '591' is common to items 1 and 3. So '591' = 'methods'. Hence 'calculations methods' should be '573 591' or '591 573'

Question ID: 16-02-22-07-49-18-095.
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Question 19

Statement: The railway authority has announced that it will carry out major repair work for two days beginning Saturday on the main line connecting the two big cities in the state bringing the rail service to a halt.

Assumptions: .

  1. People may reschedule their journey in view of the railway authority decision.
  2. People may still plan their travel by train between the two cities even on these two days.

Only I is implicit.


Neither I nor II is implicit.


Either I or II is implicit.


Only II is implicit.

Ans: A

The announcement is basically to let the people plan and reschedule in advance. The second assumption is not right, in fact the opposite is true, i.e., people won't now plan their travel between these two cities for sat and sun.

Question ID: 16-02-08-10-13-19-152.
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Question 20

The rows and columns of the left matrix have been labelled as I, J, K, L, M and 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, whereas those of the right matrix are N, O, P, Q, R and 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Find the correct row-column pairs out of these matrices that decode to the word - 5LY7


3J, 2L, 9R, 5N


3K, 4K, 5O, 9N


4M, 0M, 9N, 3J


4I, 0L, 7Q, 0M

Ans: A

5 occurs at: 1J ;3J ;3K ;4I ;4M ;
L occurs at: 0L ;0M ;2J ;2L ;4K ;
Y occurs at: 5O ;6O ;7Q ;9N ;9R ;
7 occurs at: 5N ;5Q ;5R ;7P ;7R ;

Question ID: 16-02-09-02-33-00-145.
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Question 21

Two matrices are shown in the figure below. Their rows and columns are labelled as (0,1,2,3,4) and (5,6,7,8,9) in the manner shown. Find the correct row-column pairs out of the following matrices that decode to the word - TALE


34, 14, 86, 98


43, 02, 69, 34


00, 10, 65, 02


22, 44, 55, 69

Ans: A

T occurs at: 00 ;22 ;30 ;34 ;43 ;
A occurs at: 02 ;10 ;12 ;14 ;44 ;
L occurs at: 55 ;65 ;69 ;78 ;86 ;
E occurs at: 59 ;67 ;75 ;79 ;98 ;

Question ID: 16-02-09-02-33-00-155.
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Question 22

Statement: "Drive slow." - a message written on every turn of a mountain..

Assumptions: .

  1. A lot many fatal accidents take place there.
  2. People drink and drive.

Either I or II is implicit.


Only II is implicit.


I and II are implicit.


Only I is implicit.

Ans: D

Only I is implicit.

Question ID: 16-02-08-10-13-19-081.
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Question 23

"pace 11 obey 74 abet 58 10 face" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.

  1. abet 11 obey 74 pace 58 10 face
  2. abet 74 obey 11 pace 58 10 face
  3. abet 74 face 11 pace 58 10 obey
  4. abet 74 face 58 pace 11 10 obey
  5. abet 74 face 58 obey 11 10 pace
  6. abet 74 face 58 obey 11 pace 10

If step 1 of an input is: dame 23 oath 71 rack 05 68 kids, then what is step 4, if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?


dame 23 oath 71 rack 05 68 kids


dame 71 kids 68 oath 23 rack 05


dame 71 kids 68 rack 05 23 oath


dame 71 kids 68 oath 05 23 rack

Ans: C

In each step, English words and numbers are alternately being arranged. Strings are in ascending order, and numbers are in descending order. An English word is placed, then a number, and so on. These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with kids 23 oath 71 rack 05 68 dame:

  1. dame 23 oath 71 rack 05 68 kids
  2. dame 71 oath 23 rack 05 68 kids
  3. dame 71 kids 23 rack 05 68 oath
  4. dame 71 kids 68 rack 05 23 oath
  5. dame 71 kids 68 oath 05 23 rack
  6. dame 71 kids 68 oath 23 05 rack
  7. dame 71 kids 68 oath 23 rack 05
Question ID: 16-02-02-11-32-57-058.
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Question 24

Two matrices are shown in the figure below. Their rows and columns are labelled as (0,1,2,3,4) and (5,6,7,8,9) in the manner shown. Find the correct row-column pairs out of the following matrices that decode to the word - PALE


34, 43, 88, 03


12, 11, 75, 66


04, 03, 66, 22


22, 32, 76, 78

Ans: D

P occurs at: 04 ;12 ;21 ;22 ;34 ;
A occurs at: 03 ;11 ;31 ;32 ;43 ;
L occurs at: 66 ;75 ;76 ;88 ;97 ;
E occurs at: 65 ;69 ;78 ;79 ;98 ;

Question ID: 16-02-09-02-33-00-046.
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Question 25

Directions: In the following question some capital alphabets are written in a row, below them their coding have been given.

2 a u 4 b w 3

t v x s y 5 z

6 c d 8 7 e

r h 9 i p q

If MAIDEN is 254vzb, then DANGER is.









Ans: D

In the word MAIDEN codes for MA, ID and EN have been exchanged.

Question ID: 16-02-22-07-53-39-032.
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Question 26

"aero have dark 93 07 quip 36 88" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.

  1. aero 07 dark 93 have quip 36 88
  2. aero 07 dark 36 have quip 93 88
  3. aero 07 dark 36 have 88 93 quip
  4. aero 07 dark 36 have 88 quip 93

If an input is: 57 inch 35 18 yarn 70 kilo jinx, then how many steps are required if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?









Ans: B

In each step, English words and numbers are alternately being arranged in ascending order. An English word is placed, then a number, and so on. These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with 57 inch 35 18 yarn 70 kilo jinx:

  1. inch 57 35 18 yarn 70 kilo jinx
  2. inch 18 35 57 yarn 70 kilo jinx
  3. inch 18 jinx 57 yarn 70 kilo 35
  4. inch 18 jinx 35 yarn 70 kilo 57
  5. inch 18 jinx 35 kilo 70 yarn 57
  6. inch 18 jinx 35 kilo 57 yarn 70
Question ID: 16-02-02-11-32-25-035.
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Question 27

In a certain code language 'ab bc de df' means '4956', 'de dk dr dx' means '9@12', 'dk ed et en' means '$1TR' and 'en un hi pa' means '$38Z'. Then what is the code for 'dk de en'?


5 2 6


R 4 T


3 8 Z


1 9 $

Ans: D

'1' is common to items 2 and 3. So '1' = 'dk'. Next we can see that '9' is common to items 1 and 2. So '9' = 'de'. Again we can see that '$' is common to items 3 and 4. So '$' = 'en'. Hence 'dk de en' should be from '1 9 $'

Question ID: 16-02-22-08-04-50-002.
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Question 28

3, 6, 18, 72, (?)









Ans: D

3 (x 2), 6 (x 3), 18 (x 4), 72 (x 5), 360.

Question ID: 16-03-11-08-34-58-097.
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Question 29

Which will be the mirror image of this image if a mirror is placed at the bottom of the image?

These are the answer Images.









Ans: D
Question ID: 16-02-09-12-31-23-163.
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Question 30

"do in right world exactly something say or" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.

  1. do in world or something right say exactly
  2. say something in do exactly or right world
  3. right in exactly something say or do world
  4. world in or something do exactly right say
  5. say exactly or world right do in something
  6. say world exactly in do right or something

If an input is: don't have the your hatched count eggs chickens, then what is step 2, if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?


don't have your chickens count the eggs hatched


eggs hatched chickens your the don't have count


eggs your hatched have don't the chickens count


eggs count have don't hatched chickens the your

Ans: D

Each time the arrangement is done in a random order.

  1. 1 2 4 8 6 3 7 5
  2. 7 6 2 1 5 8 3 4
  3. 3 2 5 6 7 8 1 4
  4. 4 2 8 6 1 5 3 7
  5. 7 5 8 4 3 1 2 6
  6. 7 4 5 2 1 3 8 6

These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with don't have the your hatched count eggs chickens:

  • don't have your chickens count the eggs hatched
  • eggs count have don't hatched chickens the your
  • the have hatched count eggs chickens don't your
  • your have chickens count don't hatched the eggs
  • eggs hatched chickens your the don't have count
  • eggs your hatched have don't the chickens count
Question ID: 16-02-02-11-32-41-016.
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This Blog Post/Article "Online Sample Paper for IBPS Bank PO/MT, SO, RRB, Clerical Exams Set 84" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-03-12