Online Sample Paper for IBPS Bank PO/MT, SO, RRB, Clerical Exams Set 96

Free online sample papers on for your practice. Each paper has 30 questions to be answered in 30 minutes. These questions cover the reasoning portion, like Venn Diagrams, Course of Action, etc., It will be useful for those preparing for IBPS Bank PO, Special Officers Exam, Regional Rural Banks Exam, Clerical Exams, etc., This is quiz no. 96 in this series.

Last Reviewed and Updated on February 7, 2020
Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer and Software Developer

Quiz Questions

Each question has four choices. More than one option can be correct. After you have finished the quiz scroll towards the last question to view your result. I have provided solutions and answers to all the questions.

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Question 1


More than 1000 villages in Tamil Nadu are severely affected by floods which would also cause an extra burden of Rs. 150 crores for compensation and relief. Crops also have also been extensively damaged by the floods.

Courses of Action:
  1. Government should ask RBI to print more money and give it to the flood affected people.
  2. Government should spend additional money to take adequate measures to prevent floods in future.

Both I and II follow.


Only I follows.


Only II follows.


Either I or II follows.

Ans: C
Question ID: 16-02-10-11-22-17-001.
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Question 2

A retail shop always has -









Ans: A

No retail can be done without goods.

Question ID: 16-02-08-10-17-01-069.
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Question 3

Which will be the mirror image of this image if a mirror is placed at the bottom of the image?

These are the answer Images.









Ans: D
Question ID: 16-02-09-12-31-23-091.
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Question 4

Which will be the mirror image of this image if a mirror is placed at the bottom of the image?

These are the answer Images.









Ans: D
Question ID: 16-02-09-12-31-23-246.
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Question 5

In a certain code 'gnid gnog gnag' means 'Attacking the enemy', 'gnip gnop gnod' means ''Enemy is retreating', 'gnid gnip gnom' means 'Attacking and retreating'.Which of the following codes stands for Enemy?
None of these
Ans: B
In the first and second sentences, common word is 'enemy' and common code is 'gnod'.
Question ID: 16-02-22-07-53-39-017.
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Question 6

Two matrices are shown in the figure below. Their rows and columns are labelled as (0,1,2,3,4) and (5,6,7,8,9) in the manner shown. Find the correct row-column pairs out of the following matrices that decode to the word - CALF


00, 10, 57, 13


02, 30, 58, 59


44, 13, 89, 02


12, 31, 98, 89

Ans: B

C occurs at: 00 ;02 ;12 ;42 ;44 ;
A occurs at: 10 ;13 ;24 ;30 ;31 ;
L occurs at: 57 ;58 ;75 ;89 ;98 ;
F occurs at: 59 ;67 ;68 ;69 ;88 ;

Question ID: 16-02-09-02-33-00-038.
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Question 7

"34 each yard 49 55 83 oath main" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.

  1. each 34 yard 49 55 83 oath main
  2. each 34 main 49 55 83 oath yard
  3. each 34 main 49 oath 83 55 yard
  4. each 34 main 49 oath 55 83 yard
  5. each 34 main 49 oath 55 yard 83

If step 4 of an input is: able 00 hair 25 68 40 rack malt, then what is step 5, if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?


able 00 hair 25 malt 40 rack 68


able 00 40 hair 68 25 rack malt


able 00 hair 25 68 40 rack malt


able 00 hair 40 68 25 rack malt

Ans: A

In each step, English words and numbers are alternately being arranged in ascending order. An English word is placed, then a number, and so on. These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with 40 rack able hair 68 25 00 malt:

  1. able rack 40 hair 68 25 00 malt
  2. able 00 40 hair 68 25 rack malt
  3. able 00 hair 40 68 25 rack malt
  4. able 00 hair 25 68 40 rack malt
  5. able 00 hair 25 malt 40 rack 68
Question ID: 16-02-02-11-32-25-046.
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Question 8

Statement: A very large number of people stood in the queue for buying tickets for the one-day international cricket match scheduled to be played in the city on the next day.

Assumptions: .

  1. No other one-day international cricket match may be played in the city for the next six months.
  2. Majority of those who stood in the queue may be able to get ticket for the one-day international cricket match.

Neither I nor II is implicit.


Only I is implicit.


Either I or II is implicit.


Only II is implicit.

Ans: D

Assumption (II) is implicit (so people stood in the queue).

Question ID: 16-02-08-10-13-19-174.
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Question 9

Which will be the mirror image of this image if a mirror is placed at the bottom of the image?

These are the answer Images.









Ans: C
Question ID: 16-02-09-12-31-23-235.
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Question 10

if Milk : Ice-cream, then?


College : study.


Rock : Statue.


Dog : Hair.


Sugar : Sweet.

Ans: B

Ice cream is made of milk, and Statue is made of rock.

Question ID: 16-02-10-11-48-54-082.
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Question 11

Ludology is to Games as Neology is to.


New Words.







Ans: A

Topics of study and what that study is called.

Question ID: 16-02-10-11-48-54-242.
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Question 12


A recruitment drive for police constables was taking place. A stampede occurred and one of the applicants lost his life.

Courses of Action:
  1. The officials in charge of the recruitment process should immediately be suspended.
  2. A team of officials should be asked to find out the circumstances which led to the death of the aspirant and submit its report within a week.
  3. The government should ask the home department to follow a staggered scheduling for such drives so that too much rush is not witnessed.

Only II.


Only I.


Only II and III.


Only III.

Ans: C

Course of action II and III logically follow.

Question ID: 16-02-10-11-22-17-060.
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Question 13

Study the following series.

5 4 K 2 X 3 V W F + T L D 8 G A $ J Y 1

Find what should come in place of the question mark(?)

XV, W+, TD, ?









Ans: A

There is a gap of 2 between the first characters of each of the given pair. The second character of each pair is two positions to to the right of the first character.

Question ID: 16-02-10-11-59-51-405.
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Question 14

Statement: There is not much enthusiasm among the people for the festival this time.

Assumptions: .

  1. People have now become more interested in online social media.
  2. Inflation has caused an adverse impact on the purchasing ability of the people.

Only I is implicit.


I and II are implicit.


Only II is implicit.


Either I or II is implicit.

Ans: C

Social media is a continuous thing, it is not limited to just one day or two. So I is not implicit. Inflation can have a dampening effect, so II is implicit.

Question ID: 16-02-08-10-13-19-014.
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Question 15

Gurpreet was facing east. He turns 150° in the clock-wise direction and then 105° in the anticlockwise direction. Which direction is he facing now ?


South - West.






East - South.

Ans: D

The net movement is 45 degrees clockwise.

Question ID: 16-01-11-01-03-28-017.
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Question 16


There is a strike by the transporters. This has led to a sharp increase in the prices of essential commodities.

Courses of Action:
  1. The government should hire vehicles for transporting essential commodities.
  2. The government should invite the transporters to the negotiation table for talks.

Only I and II follow.


I or II follows.


Only II follows.


Only I follows.

Ans: C
Question ID: 16-02-10-11-22-17-049.
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Question 17

  1. Six plants, P, Q, R, S, T and U, in two rows of three each are facing north and south.
  2. Q is north facing, but not next to S.
  3. S and U are diagonally opposite.
  4. R next to U, is south facing and T is north facing.

Which plant is between Q and S?









Ans: D

They are planted like this:


T is between Q and S.

Question ID: 16-01-13-09-26-42-108.
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Question 18

Statements:Some houses are fruits. All houses are trees. Some trees are flowers. No fruits is a flower.


  1. All fruits are houses.
  2. No houses is a flower.
  3. Some fruits are trees.
  4. Some flowers are houses.

Only II and IV follows.


Only I and either II or IV follows.


either II or IV and III follows.


None follows.

Ans: C
Question ID: 16-03-03-08-18-41-014.
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Question 19

In a certain code, RIPPLE is written as 613382 and LIFE is written as 8192. How is PILLER written in that code?









Ans: A

From the coding pattern, it is clear that code for P is 3, for I is 1. for L is 8, for E is 2, and for R is 6. So word PILLER coded as 318826.

Question ID: 16-02-22-07-53-39-030.
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Question 20

Statement: "A visit of school children to a forest to widen their knowledge of natural resources has been arranged." - a notice in the school.

Assumptions: .

  1. Forests are full of natural resources.
  2. Children are likely to learn from their interaction with the new environment.

Both I and II are implicit.


Either I or II is implicit.


Only II is implicit.


Only I is implicit.

Ans: A

Both the assumptions follow.

Question ID: 16-02-08-10-13-19-096.
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Question 21

Study the following series.

C $ T 1 Z V R 5 + 2 9 3 O D W M F S H 6

Find what should come in place of the question mark(?)

1V , ? , 23 , OW









Ans: A

There is a gap of 2 between the first characters of each of the given pair. The second character of each pair is separated by one position to the right of the first character.

Question ID: 16-02-10-11-59-51-003.
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Question 22

"20 24 62 63 34 28 18 85" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.

  1. 18 24 62 63 34 28 20 85
  2. 18 20 62 63 34 28 24 85
  3. 18 20 62 24 34 28 63 85
  4. 18 20 24 62 34 28 63 85
  5. 18 20 24 28 34 62 63 85

If step 3 of an input is: 06 11 49 31 16 40 51 59, then what is step 5, if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?


06 16 49 31 11 40 51 59


06 16 49 31 59 40 51 11


06 11 16 31 40 49 51 59


06 11 49 31 16 40 51 59

Ans: C

In each step, the smallest numbers are being moved to the left, and in the next step largest to the right side. These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with 06 11 49 31 16 40 51 59:

  • 06 11 49 31 16 40 51 59
  • 06 11 16 31 49 40 51 59
  • 06 11 16 31 40 49 51 59
Question ID: 16-02-02-11-32-25-045.
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Question 23

A cube has 6 numbers marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on its faces. The sum of numbers on the opposite sides are 7.

What possible numbers exist on the two faces marked (A) and (B) respectively ?

5 and 2
2 and 4
4 and 6
6 and 1
Ans: A

Face 4 is opposite 3. So A = 2, B = 4 is not possible. Similarly, A = 4 and B = 6 is ruled out. Lastly, 6 and 1 are on opposite sides, so A = 6, and B = 1 is ruled out. The fourth choice A= 5, and B = 2 is the right answer without any further thought. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's logic: "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

Question ID: 16-02-09-10-50-09-030.
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Question 24

The rows and columns of the left matrix have been labelled as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and Q, R, S, T, U, whereas those of the right matrix are 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and L, M, N, O, P. Find the correct row-column pairs out of these matrices that decode to the word - 3LZM


Q0, U4, N7, N6


S2, Q4, P9, Q2


T0, U2, O9, N9


R0, Q2, N9, Q0

Ans: A

3 occurs at: Q0 ;R0 ;S2 ;T0 ;U3 ;
L occurs at: Q2 ;Q4 ;S1 ;U2 ;U4 ;
Z occurs at: N7 ;N9 ;O9 ;P8 ;P9 ;
M occurs at: L7 ;L8 ;N6 ;N8 ;O7 ;

Question ID: 16-02-09-02-33-00-153.
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Question 25

Which letter will be the 4th from right if 1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th and so on are interchanged in the word GHOSTWRITERS?









Ans: A

The new letter is: HGSOWTIRETSR

Question ID: 16-02-10-11-59-51-774.
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Question 26

Directions: Understand the coding pattern and answer the questions.

Column I Column II
(1) FAMOUS (A) jcqhwm
(2) SATIRE (B) hqdbyn
(3) FRIGHT (C) ybcnke
(4) TANGLE (D) zexhnd
(5) ROVING (E) embpyx
(6) HUNTER (F) xdnbwk

What is the code used for the letter N?









Ans: A

N is common to HUNTER and TANGLE. Their codes have in common: x, n. Out of x and n, ROVING contains x only, but ROVING itself contains an N, so N= x.

Question ID: 16-02-22-07-53-39-022.
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Question 27


Students passing out of IIT and IIM in India get placements in foreign countries and get thrice the salary of what they would get in India.

Courses of Action:
  1. Companies in India should be asked to pay the same amount of salary to them.
  2. The IIT and IIM should sign a bond with their students that bars them from going out of India.

Only II follows.


Only I follows.


Either I or II follows.


Neither I nor II follows.

Ans: D

Neither of the courses of action is practical.

Question ID: 16-02-10-11-22-17-074.
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Question 28

If EQOKYO stands for DOLLAR, QQXMBP stands for POUNDS, then code for MARK will be -









Ans: D

Letters of first half of the word are coded with a gap of 0, 1, 2 letters in the forward direction, and letters of the second half are coded with a gap of 0, 1, 2 letters in the backward direction in alphabetical order.

Question ID: 16-02-22-07-53-39-044.
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Question 29

Study the following series.

M E F 8 $ 6 3 D 9 X H N S K 7 T U G 1 V

Find what should come in place of the question mark(?)

$3, 9H, S7, ?









Ans: C

There is a gap of 3 between the first characters of each of the given pair. The second character of each pair is two positions to to the right of the first character.

Question ID: 16-02-10-11-59-51-490.
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Question 30

Statement: The university has laid down guidelines for minimum qualification for the posts of lecturers.

Assumptions: .

  1. Only qualified candidates will be appointed as lecturers now.
  2. Only qualified candidates will now apply for such posts.

Only I is implicit.


Only II is implicit.


Either I or II is implicit.


I and II are implicit.

Ans: D
Question ID: 16-02-08-10-13-19-148.
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This Blog Post/Article "Online Sample Paper for IBPS Bank PO/MT, SO, RRB, Clerical Exams Set 96" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-03-12