Video Tutorials on C# ASP DotNet MVC Architecture Table of Contents

This is the table of contents for the c# mvc video tutorials. These videos are hosted on youtube, and produced by hoven trainings. This table of contents lists all the videos in a serial order so that anybody who is learning online can find them very useful.

Last Reviewed and Updated on February 7, 2020

This is the complete set of free videos on C# with ASP.NET MVC, Model, View and Controller Architecture. Each concept is explained in detail.

Table of Contents

Various lectures have been arranged in chapters. Each lecture takes you to a page where a youtube video has been embedded.

Chapter 1 - MVC Basics

  1. L1 - MVC Basics
  2. L2 - Your First MVC App
  3. L3 - MVC Routing Part 1
  4. L4 - MVC Routing Part 2
  5. L5 QueryStrings in URLs and MVC

Chapter 2a - LINQ Collections - Part I

  1. L1 LINQ with Method Syntax
  2. L2 LINQ Queries Example
  3. L3 LINQ Arithmetic
  4. L4 LINQ Preparing HTML
  5. L5 - LINQ GroupBy
  6. L6 Anonymous objects and dynamic Keyword
  7. L7 - Projection with LINQ
  8. L8 - Projection cum Filtering with LINQ
  9. L9 - Partitioning with LINQ

Chapter 2b - LINQ Collections - Part II

  1. L1 - Conversion with LINQ Part 1
  2. L2 - Conversion with LINQ Part 2
  3. L3 - LINQ Any and Indexing with Select
  4. L4 - Range in LINQ
  5. L5 - IEnumerable and IQueryable
  6. L6 - Lambda Expressions and Func Delegates
  7. L7 - Expression Trees and Predicates

Chapter 3 - LINQ with Database

  1. L1 - Creating a Database
  2. L2 - Displaying Records from Database
  3. L3 - Displaying Orders from the Database
  4. L4 - Grouping Orders from the Database
  5. L5 - Joining Orders and Customers from Database

Chapter 4 - LINQ with Designer

  1. L1 - Using the ORM Designer
  2. L2 - Simple Usage Querying Single Table
  3. L3 - FirstOrDefault, Single and First
  4. L4 Repeat with LINQ ORM Designer
  5. L5 - SkipWhile with LINQ ORM Designer
  6. L6 - INSERT with ORM Designer
  7. L7 - UPDATE with LINQ Entities
  8. L8 - DELETE with LINQ Entities

Chapter 5 - Custom LINQ

  1. L1 - Writing Custom Extension Methods
  2. L2 - Direct Queries against a SQL Database
  3. L3 - Direct SQL JOIN Query through LINQ

Chapter 6 - Models

  1. L1 - Models, ViewModels and EntityModels

Chapter 7 - Sending Data to a View

  1. L1 - Sending a Single Model Object to a View
  2. L2 - Sending a Collection to a View
  3. L3 - Sending a ViewModel to a View
  4. L4 - Using ViewBag and ViewData
  5. L5 - Sending a Model in a ViewBag

Chapter 8 - Modular View Design

  1. L1 Modular View Design with MVC Part 1
  2. L2 Modular View Design with MVC Part 2
  3. L3 Bundling CSS and JS Files Complete Video
  4. L4 Sections

Chapter 9 - HTMLDisplay Extensions

  1. L1 Default Display Templates
  2. L2 Writing Custom Display Templates
  3. L3 DisplayTemplates vs PartialViews

Chapter 10a Project On Displaying - Zoo

  1. L1 Initializing with EntityModels
  2. L2 Writing the Home Page
  3. L3 Displaying Details of an Animal
  4. L4 Display Using Modal Dialog Part 1
  5. L5 Display Using Modal Dialog Part 2
  6. L6 Deleting Records

Chapter 10b - Project on Displaying Data - MVCCharting

  1. L1 - Introduction to jqPlot Library
  2. L2 - Bundling the JSS and CSS Files
  3. L3 - Final Step Importing and Generating the Charts

Chapter 11 - HTMLEditExtensions - Data Entry Forms

  1. L1 - Simple Data Entry Form
  2. L2 - MVC Support for UI Method 1
  3. L3 - Server Side Validation with MVC
  4. L4 - MVC Support for UI Method 2
  5. L5 - Client Side Validation in MVC
  6. L6 - Using EditorTemplates
  7. L7 - Ajax with MVC Forms

Chapter 12 - Project on Data Entry - All Scenarios

  1. L1 - Creating a SQLServer Compact Database
  2. L2 - Adding Entity FM
  3. L3 - Adding Annotations
  4. L4 - Data Entry Form Part 1
  5. L5 - Data Entry Form Part 2
  6. L6 - Data Entry Form Part 3
  7. L7 - Data Entry Form Part 4
  8. L8 - Storing Data to Server
  9. L9 - Ajaxing the Data Entry Form
  10. LA - Ajaxing with HTML5 and jQuery
  11. LB - Ajaxing with pure HTML5 without jQuery

Chapter 13 - Login Form with MVC From Scratch

  1. L1 - Setting the Database and Model Annotations
  2. L2 - Adding a Login Area Copy
  3. L3 - Writing New User and Forgot Password Forms
  4. L4 - Fixing Validations and Remote Annotations
  5. L5 - Creating a New User
  6. L6 - Programming the Login Form
  7. L7 - Incorporating FormsAuthentication from Scratch
  8. L8 - Custom ActionFilter for Authorization
  9. L9 - Finishing with Forgot Password

Chapter 14a - HTMLEditExtensions - Editing Data no AJAX

  1. L1 - Showing the Edit Buttons
  2. L2 - Displaying the Editing Form
  3. L3 - Finalizing the Project and Saving Data

Chapter 14b - HTMLEditExtension Editing Data with AJAX

  1. L1 - Preparing for AJAX Editing
  2. L2 - Popping the jQuery Dialog
  3. L3 - Displaying the Edit Form inside the Modal Dialog
  4. L4 - Server Side AJAX Update
  5. L5 - ClientSide Javascript for AJAX Update
  6. L6 - Summary of Steps for AJAX Update
  7. L7 - Writing Custom Annotations

Chapter 15 - Misc Topics

  1. L1 - Sending and Receiving JSON
  2. L2 - XML and JSON WebApi with MVC
  3. L3 - Unit Testing with MVC

Chapter 16 - Putting MVC to Work - Project on Invoice Management System

  1. L1 - What we will Build
  2. L2 - Project Roadmap
  3. L3 - Creating the Database
  4. L4 - Adding EDM Model Validation MD Classes
  5. L5 - Creating a Facebook App
  6. L6 - Facebook Login Button and Nuget Packages
  7. L7 - Storing Secret Key and AppID
  8. L8 - Implementing the Facebook Login Code
  9. L9 - Authorization Filter and Admn Area
  10. L10 - Partial Views for Menu and Message Labels
  11. L11 - PartialView for Customer Form
  12. L12 - Saving the Customer Record
  13. L13 - Show Top Ten Customers Report
  14. L14 - Autocomplete
  15. L15 - Completing the Search Module
  16. L16 - EditCustomer Module
  17. L17 - Fixing RemoteValidation
  18. L18 - New Invoice Module
  19. L19 - Print Invoice Module
  20. L20 - EditInvoice Module
  21. L21 - Last Ten Invoices Module
  22. L22 - SignOut and Packaging

These videos are available for offline viewing also.

Want Source Code?


In $10 or Rs. 600 you get all of these.

  • 121 video tutorials organized into chapters that simplify learning
  • Includes a Complete MVC Project on Invoice Management System
  • MVC projects/snippets/concepts explained in a very lucid and simple style
  • Source code of the various examples discussed in the videos
  • E-Book on in-depth MVC Interview Questions
  • E-Book on ASP.NET MVC. This E-Book is a companion to the video tutorials

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