Passwords and Inputs Quiz Set 28

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Question 1

"a visual presentation is far more descriptive than words" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.

  1. a descriptive presentation is far more visual than words
  2. a descriptive far is presentation more visual than words
  3. a descriptive far is more presentation visual than words
  4. a descriptive far is more presentation than visual words

If step 3 of an input is: appearance cannot judge primarily on something, then what is step 4, if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?


appearance cannot judge on primarily something


appearance cannot something primarily on judge


appearance cannot judge primarily on something


appearance judge something primarily on cannot

Ans: a

In each step, the words that appear earlier in a dictionary are being moved to the left. These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with appearance cannot judge primarily on something:

  • appearance cannot judge primarily on something
  • appearance cannot judge on primarily something

Question 2

"the company reported that yearly profit growth" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.

  1. reported company the that yearly profit growth
  2. reported company yearly that the profit growth
  3. reported company yearly profit the that growth
  4. reported company yearly profit growth that the

If an input is: they would instead work to preserve animals natural habitat, then how many steps are required if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?









Ans: a

In each step, the longest words are being moved to the left. These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with preserve would instead work to they animals natural habitat:

  1. preserve would instead work to they animals natural habitat
  2. preserve instead would work to they animals natural habitat
  3. preserve instead animals work to they would natural habitat
  4. preserve instead animals natural to they would work habitat
  5. preserve instead animals natural habitat they would work to
  6. preserve instead animals natural habitat would they work to

Question 3

"93 00 30 27 45 47 40 21" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.

  1. 00 93 30 27 45 47 40 21
  2. 00 21 30 27 45 47 40 93
  3. 00 21 30 27 45 40 47 93
  4. 00 21 27 30 45 40 47 93
  5. 00 21 27 30 40 45 47 93

If an input is: 67 78 01 23 46 02 66 95, then how many steps are required if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?









Ans: a

In each step, the smallest numbers are being moved to the left, and in the next step largest to the right side. These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with 67 78 01 23 46 02 66 95:

  1. 01 78 67 23 46 02 66 95
  2. 01 02 67 23 46 78 66 95
  3. 01 02 67 23 46 66 78 95
  4. 01 02 23 67 46 66 78 95
  5. 01 02 23 66 46 67 78 95
  6. 01 02 23 46 66 67 78 95

Question 4

"to enliven paragraphs write sentences of different lengths" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.

  1. to of paragraphs write sentences enliven different lengths
  2. to of write paragraphs sentences enliven different lengths
  3. to of write enliven sentences paragraphs different lengths
  4. to of write enliven lengths paragraphs different sentences
  5. to of write enliven lengths different paragraphs sentences
  6. to of write enliven lengths different sentences paragraphs

If step 3 of an input is: can the same overuse writers often word, then what is step 4, if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?


can the same word writers often overuse


can writers often overuse the same word


can the same word often writers overuse


can the often overuse writers same word

Ans: a

In each step, the shortest words are being moved to the left. These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with can the same overuse writers often word:

  • can the same overuse writers often word
  • can the same word writers often overuse
  • can the same word often writers overuse

Question 5

"this lack of subject variety can be distracting to a reader" is re-arranged according to a particular rule, in the steps mentioned below.

  1. distracting lack of subject variety can be this to a reader
  2. distracting subject of lack variety can be this to a reader
  3. distracting subject variety lack of can be this to a reader
  4. distracting subject variety reader of can be this to a lack
  5. distracting subject variety reader this can be of to a lack
  6. distracting subject variety reader this lack be of to a can
  7. distracting subject variety reader this lack can of to a be
  8. distracting subject variety reader this lack can of to be a

If an input is: martial art was practiced in ancient japan, then how many steps are required if re-arrangement is done according to the above rule?









Ans: a

In each step, the longest words are being moved to the left. These are the steps for re-arrangement starting with practiced art was martial in ancient japan:

  1. practiced art was martial in ancient japan
  2. practiced martial was art in ancient japan
  3. practiced martial ancient art in was japan
  4. practiced martial ancient japan in was art
  5. practiced martial ancient japan was in art
  6. practiced martial ancient japan was art in

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This Blog Post/Article "Passwords and Inputs Quiz Set 28" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-02-09

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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