Video Protection Software

Software to protect your videos against un-authorized copying and distribution. This is a Digital Rights Management(DRM) protection software that encrypts your videos so that others cannot steal it and distribute among their friends. Most suitable for coaching institutes and those into the video distribution business. This is a low cost software. It works by encrypting your videos, thus preventing them from un-authorized viewing and distribution. It can be a powerful tool against anti piracy and for screen capture protection.

Last Reviewed and Updated on February 7, 2020
Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer and Software Developer

Please go through the following detailed document.

Special Note:

Newer and preferred version of this software is available -> Click here for new version

Please don't worry about payments. We have very low prices, and you will get 1 month to use the software and test it fully to your satisfaction. We can extend the trial even further, if required. Pay no money now. Pay after satisfaction.And, if your business is not running much, please let us know we'll give you even more time to pay. We are confident of our product, that's why we are ready to wait for the payments. The details of each and everything(including the demo versions) are given below.


  1. Securely encrypted video.
  2. Protection against screen capture.
  3. Users will need key, which will be controlled by you.
  4. Videos can play on single-PC only. You can maintain a history to detect the lie of a user when he says he has formatted his PC and wants key again.
  5. Small key(8 characters).
  6. Unique Encryption formula for each customer's videos.
  7. Specify expiry date - from 3-days to 2-years or more, after which they will have to come back to you for new key. Changing the system date will be of no use to them.
  8. Single click installation.
  9. Administrative acccess NOT required. Works in limited user access. Many students object to giving admin access each time they play a video.
  10. Generate keys either using a Desktop Key Generator, or using an online web-based Key Generator.
  11. Best suitable for a companywhere employees manage your video distribution. Theft-free key generation by employees because the owner receives emails for every action done by the employees.[NOTE: The key generation will be through a web based interface. The software will be provided by us but web space has to be provided by you.]
  12. Keys are generated online so you can generate keys at home, at office, during travel, from your own tablet.[NOTE: The key generation will be through a web based interface. The software will be provided by us but web space has to be provided by you.]
  13. Keys are generated from the server owned by you so your customer data is fully under your control.[NOTE: The key generation will be through a web based interface. The software will be provided by us but web space has to be provided by you.]
  14. You can track the videos being played by your end-users. It will help you analyze which videos are more popular. Your end-users will need internet for just a millisecond. [NOTE: The key generation will be through a web based interface. The software will be provided by us but web space has to be provided by you.]
  15. Most of our competitor products have a problem that they are detected and deleted by antivirus because their videos are contained in an .exe file. But SyPlay[also called ZPlay] has no conflicts with any anti-virus softwares.


  1. The player is given a name of your choice. The name "ZPlay" will be totally replaced by the name you specify.
  2. The player icon is of your choice. You will have to give us 32X32 .ico file.


This is a screenshot of the software that should give you a good idea of the available functionality. Click on the image to see a larger view.

screenshot of the anti piracy, anti screen capture and video protection and encryption software screenshot of the anti piracy, anti screen capture and video protection and encryption software

Common FAQs

Question: How will I be charged? Any maintenance or recurring charges?

ANS: There is a one time charge only as mentioned later in this document. Once you pay that charge, the software becomes yours for ever; you can encrypt as many videos as you like, and sell to as many customers, at whatever price as you like.

There are no recurring charges. Nor are any maintenance charges. There are no hidden charges. The only amount[full and final] that you have to pay is mentioned later in this document.

Since this is a simple software, with a single objective, and it is a very old software, the code is already widely tested, debugged and checked across various customers and end-users, this software is not expected to need any updates[there have been since the last 4 years]; hence we assure you that there are no annual or maintenance charges of any kind. This software works from Windows XP onwards. In fact, we do not deliberately make any changes to this software, because any software that runs well on earlier windows, runs even faster on newer windows versions. Similarly, the Android version of this softare has been there since Android 2.3 version, and it runs even more efficiently on later and current versions of the Android OS.

But no one knows about tomorrow. We cannot make any commitments nor guarantee that these players will continue to work on next generation Windows and Android based devices. No one can do that. But all we can assure is that we will try our best to see that we help you to the best of our abilities at minimum costs. There is no need to worry for that eventuality, because as per our past experience, nothing of this sort has ever happend - C++ softwares that worked on Windows 98, continue to work with Windows 10 also. SyPlay[also called ZPlay] is a pure C++ software that works closely with the core of the Windows APIs - and these APIs cannot change.

Question: Will anti virus see it as malware and delete the installation?

ANS: Nothing of this type has been reported by our customers. ZPlay is used by distributors from education and pornographic industry alike, no problems of this type reported till today. But... about 5-7% of your customers will report that ZPlay cannot run on their computers. The problem is due to worms, viruses or trogens on their infected computers. If a user cannot play ZPlay video then advising such users to run as administrator has helped.
About the same percentage(5-7%) of users will face problems while installing simple softwares like Microsoft Office on their machines, so generally, ZPlay buyers(i.e. video distributors) do not find this issue much of a nuiscance.

Question: Can I sell videos one at a time?

ANS: Yes. You can sell videos one at a time - singly - and also as package of a large number of videos.

Question: What is this SyPlay and What is this ZPlay?

ANS: This software has so many names that we ask our customers to tell us the name of their choice so that they can use their own brand name with this software. That's why someone at Hoven called it SyPlay, and another team called it ZPlay. Both the names refer to the same software - there are no differences at all.

Question: What is the maximum video size supported?

ANS: People have used ZPlay upto about 500MB sizes, but practical size would be about 200MB because your end-users may not have that capable computers. If your videos are of larger sizes, you will have to split your larger files into smaller ones - Part 1, Part 2, and so on. It will be easier for you to distribute them on DVD/CD[lesser burning time, and burning accuracy]. It will be easier also for your users to download over the internet if you want to allow them a download of the video files from your website.

Question: What is the format supported?

ANS: All formats like AVI, MP4, WMV formats are supported, but there are always slight codec differences in videos, even if they are of the same type. We recommend using MP4 because it is a compressed AVI and universal format that works across platforms. We'll cooperate fully with you to ensure that your videos are converted to the most optimal format without any loss of clarity. We'll provide converters free of cost so that you can bring the size of your videos to as small as possible.

Question: Any limits on the number of videos I can encrypt? Will this software be mine for all times to come?

ANS: You can encrypt as many videos as you like. The software becomes yours for ever. But you are entirely responsible for the content you serve through this software. We advise that this software should not be used for distribution of videos meant for any illegal activities that go against the law of your land or of international treaties.

Question: Is the android verson secured against screen recording?

ANS: Android OS has inbuilt DRM protection, and our android player makes use of it. Screenshots should appear black, and no video recording should be possible through the video recording options available in the phone. Our demo version will also prevent screen recording. But... there are so many screencast softwares available on Google Play Store, so it is impossible to stop screen recording. Moreover, there are so many BlueStacks like softwares that run android on Windows, and from there screen capturing can easily be done through Camtasia. BUT ZPlay IS PROTECTED AGAINST BlueStacks. This is a limit not of ZPlay but of any android based software.

When we tell our customers about this limitation, about 50% decide not to buy the Android based ZPlay.

Question: What is the 3-month period mentioned at the top of this page?

ANS: The period of 3 months that we have mentioned is for making the remaining payment(after subtracting the advance payment of USD $20 or Rs. 1000). We ask $20(Rs. 1000) so that we can know that a customer is really serious. Then we give a period of 3 months so that he/she can arrange necessary funds during that time. This is just a goodwill period which helps us win the confidence of our customer.

Video of the Encryption Process

This video shows how you can encrypt your videos.

Video of the Video Player

This video shows how your end users will watch your videos.

Trial Downloads

  1. Sample Encrypted Video(mpx file)
  2. Instructions(PDF)
  3. Video Player for Windows(Setup.exe)
  4. Video Player for Android(apk)
  5. Please ask us for the keys when ZPlay prompts you: SALES.HOVEN@GMAIL.COM.


Feature Price Delivered to You Purchase Option
ZPlay for Windows PC
(Windows XP SP3 and later)
  1. ZPlay Video Player (setup.exe)
  2. Encryptor (VidEncrypto.exe)
  3. Key Generator (Desktop based)
Can be purchased stand-alone.
You are not forced to buy Android-based ZPlay.

ZPlay for Android(2.2 and later) Ask us: SALES.HOVEN@GMAIL.COM
  1. ZPlay Video Player (ZPlay.apk)
  2. Encryptor (VidEncrypto.exe)
  3. Key Generator (Desktop based)
Can be purchased stand-alone.
You are not forced to buy Windows-based ZPlay.

If you want online key generation interface. You will also have to buy Windows based web-space(cheapest plan will do, we'll send you the details) and send us the login details because we shall have to make all the installation. Afterwards you can change your password.

Delivery and Payment Schedule

  1. Purchase Order(PO) should be accompanied by an amount of Rs. 1000(USD $20). You have also to send us the name of your company, website, and contact email. The name of the player, and the icon will also be required.
  2. Delivery is made positively with-in 3 working-days.
  3. 100% payment(minus Rs. 1000(USD $20) shall have to be made within a period of 90-days(3-months) or any extended period as per your request from the date of issue of PO.
  4. Payments can be made through PayPal(buyers outside INDIA) or through PayU(buyers within INDIA)
  5. For any clarifications please write to "SALES.HOVEN@GMAIL.COM"

What Should you do Now?

  1. You have to choose the player type. If your users do not have internet at all, then you will have to opt for the "Offline" version. In this case they send you the token, you send them the key and then they keep watching the video till the allowed duration expires.
  2. But, if your users can have internet for a millisecond, each time they watch the video, ZPlay authenticates your users online, from your server. No keys are exchanged. The user enjoys authentication till a pre- configured date, but you can de-activate a user prematurely, for example, if someone defaults on a payment. An attempted screen capture is also logged and after 15(customizable) attempts, a user is automatically blacklisted. You also get usage statistics so that you can track which videos are more watched. This version of ZPlay is called "Online" version. You will have to yourself buy a separate .NET 4.0 web space, and domain[godaddy is the easiest and most stable], and we shall install the web application for that. We'll need the FTP and other passwords, you can change them later.
  3. You need to pay USD $20 right now and provide us with - your company name, your website complete URL, the icon(32X32 .ico format), and the name of the video player[our customers cannot use the name "ZPlay", they have their own names for their players, it will help you brand your player]. All payments are accepted online, and securely. We donot accept payments in cash or direct bank transfers. Write to us for PayPal option if you are from outside INDIA. If you are from INDIA, write to us for PayU option. In each case we will send you an invoice for payment.

How to Order?


Please also note that the player provides the best protection it can, but hackers can do anything. But it will surely be difficult for a normal user to pass on your vidoes freely. ZPlay that will be delivered has been tested by us to guard against most screen capture programs, but there will surely be some which can go unchecked. So no guarantees on this aspect. No video encryption supplier on this earth can guarantee that. No software on this earth can guarantee that. Moreover, screen capturing can take place directly from the video card, if someone is very determined. We know people are selling various encryption softwares, but no encryption software can guarantee that. Try asking them for a guarantee. If you know someone who guarantees that, then please send us the video and we will send the captured video. We have demonstrated this to numerous customers and convinced them.