Areas Quiz Set 007

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Question 1

The length and breadth of a rectangular area are in the ratio 9 : 7. What is the length of the field if a car travelling at 15 km/h covers one round of the rectangle in 384 minutes?


27 km.


29 km.


25 km.


31 km.

Ans: a

Let L = 9x and B = 7x. Perimeter = 2 × (9x + 7x) = speed × time = (15 × 384)/60 = 96 km. So x = 3, and L = 9x = 27 km.

Question 2

The length and breadth of a rectangle are in the ratio 19 : 4. What is the perimeter if the area is 304 sq. meters?


92 meters.


94 meters.


90 meters.


96 meters.

Ans: a

Let L = 19x and B = 4x. We are given (19x × 4x) = 304, which gives x = 2. So perimeter = 2 × ((19 × 2) + (4 × 2)) × = 92 meters.

Question 3

What is the ratio of the perimeter of a circle of radius 12 units to that of a square having the circle's diameter as its side?


π : 4.


π : 2.


12 : 3.


12 : π.

Ans: a

Let X be the radius of the circle, so the side of the square is 2X. The ratio of the perimeters = ${2 × π × X}/{4 × (2X)}$ = π/4.

Question 4

What is the length of the fence required if a square plot of area 64 sq. m. has to fenced on three sides?


24 meters.


26 meters.


22 meters.


28 meters.

Ans: a

Area of a square is L2 = 64, which gives L = 8. If three sides have to be fenced, the required length = 3 × L = 3 × 8 = 24 m.

Question 5

What is the area of the largest square that can be drawn inside a circle of radius 19 m?


722 sq. m.


723 sq. m.


721 sq. m.


724 sq. m.

Ans: a

If the radius of the circle is R, then the side of an inscribed square is $√2 × R$, so the area is 2 × R2 = 2 × 192 = 722 sq. m.

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This Blog Post/Article "Areas Quiz Set 007" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-05-09

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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