Missing Numbers Quiz Set 033

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Question 1

Directions: One number is missing in the series. You have to understand the pattern of the series and then insert the missing number.

8, 4, 12, 6, 18, ?, 27









Ans: d

3rd, 5th and 7th numbers are the sums of preceding two numbers. Hence, the missing number is 9 because 18 + 9 =27.

Question 2

Examine this series: 12, 28, 64, 140. If another series is written with the same rule, what number would come in the place E: 37, A, B, C, D, E ?









Ans: a

Number 1412 will come in place of (E) . Rule is: 12 X 2 + 4 = 28, then 28 X 2 + 8 = 64, then 64 X 2 + 12 = 140. On these lines A = 37 X 2 + 4 = 78, B = 78 X 2 + 8 = 164, C = 164 X 2 + 12 = 340, D = 340 X 2 + 16 = 696, and finally E = 696 X 2 + 20 = 1412.

Question 3

Directions: One number is missing in the series. You have to understand the pattern of the series and then insert the missing number.

2, 9, 23, 3, 8, 25, 4, ?, 27









Ans: a

There are three alternate series 2, 3, 4, . . . . (consecutive numbers), 9, 8, 7 . . . . (consecutive numbers in descending order), and 23, 25, 27 . . . . . . Hence, 7 will come in place of the missing number.

Question 4

In the following number series, one of the numbers does not fit into the series. Find the wrong number.

1, 2, 5, 14, 41, 124









Ans: d

Number 124 is wrong and should be replaced by 122. The series is: 2 = 3 X 1 - 1, then 3 X 2 - 1 = 5, then 3 X 5 - 1 = 14, then 3 X 14 - 1 = 41, then 3 X 41 - 1 should be 122, not 124.

Question 5

Two numbers of the following series have been put inside round brackets. Study the series and pick your answer from the four choices given below.

4, 7, (9), 10, 13, 15, (16), 19


if the terms in both the brackets are right.


if the term in the first bracket is right but the term in the second bracket is wrong.


if the term in the first bracket is wrong but the term in the second bracket is right.


if the terms in both the brackets are wrong.

Ans: a

The terms in both the brackets are right and numbers moves with difference of 3, 2, 1, respectively.

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This Blog Post/Article "Missing Numbers Quiz Set 033" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-03-16

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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