Statements and Conclusions Quiz Set 06

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Question 1

Statements:All the tables are fruits. Some tables are trees.


  1. All tables are trees.
  2. Some trees are fruits.

Only I follows.


Only II follows.


Either I or II follows.


Neither I nor II follows.

Ans: b

Question 2

Statements:Some car are sector. All sector are trines. Some trains are boats. All boats are ships.


  1. Some boats are sector.
  2. Some ships are sector.
  3. Some trains are car.
  4. Some ships are trains.

Only I and II follows.


Only I and III follows.


Only I and IV follows.


Only III and IV follows.

Ans: d

Question 3

Statements:No pen is books. Some books are chairs. All chairs are stones.


  1. No stone is pen.
  2. Some stones are books.

Only conclusion I follows.


Only conclusion II follows.


Either conclusion I or II follows.


Neither conclusion I nor II follows.

Ans: b

The statement of the question is silent on the relation between stone and pen. So we cannot conclude I. Only II is for sure.

Question 4

Statements:All pens are books. Some books are jugs. No jug is plate. Some plates are tables.


  1. Some tables are books.
  2. Some plates are pens.
  3. No table is book.
  4. Some jugs are pens.

Only I follows.


Only II follows.


Only III follows.


Either I or III follows.

Ans: d

Question 5

Statements:Some table are trees. Some trees are drums. All drums are guitars. No guitar is a flute.


  1. Some guitars are table.
  2. Some drums are flutes.
  3. Some table are drums.
  4. No flute is a drum.

None follows.


Only I follows.


Only either II or IV follows.


Only IV follows.

Ans: d

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This Blog Post/Article "Statements and Conclusions Quiz Set 06" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-03-03

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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