Statements and Conclusions Quiz Set 03

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Question 1

Statements:Some sticks are chairs. Some chairs are pens. Some pens are rolls.


  1. Some rolls are sticks.
  2. Some rolls are chairs.
  3. No rolls is chair.

None follows.


Only II follows.


Only III follows.


Only either II or III follows.

Ans: d

Question 2

Statements:All flowers are buildings. Some buildings are halls. All halls are leaves.


  1. Some leaves are flowers.
  2. Some halls are flowers.
  3. Some leaves are buildings.

None follows.


Only I follows.


Only II follows.


Only III follows.

Ans: d

Question 3

Statements:Some rolls are mobiles. All mobiles are mirrors. All mirrors are desks.


  1. Some rolls are desks.
  2. Some rolls are mirrors.
  3. Some desks are mobiles.

Only I and II follows.


Only I and III follows.


Only II and III follows.


All follows.

Ans: d

Question 4

Statements:All books are leaves. Some leaves are paper. No paper is house.


  1. Some house are books.
  2. Some paper are books.
  3. No house is books.

Only I follows.


Only II follows.


Only III follows.


Only either I or III follows.

Ans: d

Either I or III is always true.

Question 5

Statements:All trees are keys. Some keys are ropes. All ropes are discs. Some discs are bricks.


  1. Some bricks are ropes.
  2. Some discs are trees.
  3. Some bricks are keys.

None follows.


Only I follows.


Only II follows.


Only III follows.

Ans: a

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This Blog Post/Article "Statements and Conclusions Quiz Set 03" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-03-03

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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