Ranking Test Quiz Set 05

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Question 1

The value of heavier ornament is more than the value of the lighter ornament. Ornament of Braj is heavier than the ornament of Mohit and of more value than the value of the ornament of Rajat. The value of the ornament of Naseeb is of more than the value of ornament of Braj. The ornament of Naseeb is lighter than the ornament of Yogesh. Ornament of Rajat is costlier than the Ornament of Mohit. Who is the richest?









Ans: c

Facts are:

  1. R and M < B.
  2. B < N.
  3. N < Y.
  4. M < R.

By inspecting the right sides above we can shortlist B, N, Y and R. By examining the left side we can strike off B, R and N out of this list. So we are left with Y for Yogesh as the answer.

Question 2

The value of heavier ornament is more than the value of the lighter ornament. Ornament of Braj is heavier than the ornament of Mohit and of more value than the value of the ornament of Rajat. The value of the ornament of Naseeb is of more than the value of ornament of Braj. The ornament of Naseeb is lighter than the ornament of Yogesh. Ornament of Rajat is costlier than the Ornament of Mohit. Who is the poorest?









Ans: c

Facts are:

  1. R and M < B.
  2. B < N.
  3. N < Y.
  4. M < R.

By inspecting the left sides above we can shortlist B, N, M and R. By examining the right side we can strike off B, R and N out of this list. So we are left with M for Mohit as the answer.

Question 3

Five men 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 read a newspaper. The one who reads first gives it to 3. The one who reads last had taken from 1. The 5 was not the first or last to read. There were two readers between 2 and 1.

2 passed the newspaper to whom?









Ans: c

The facts are:

  1. Start - ? < 3.
  2. 1 < ? - End.
  3. We can lay the sequence as: ? < 3 < 5 < 1 < ? because 5 is not at the start or end.

Since there are two men between 2 and 1, the sequence will have to start with 2. This is the order in which they read the newspaper: 2 - 3 - 5 - 1 - 4.

Question 4

Sukhwant is shorter than Neetika. Paramjeet is taller than Sukhwant. Hamesh is taller than Neetika but shorter than Ajay. Neetika is taller than Paramjeet.

Who is the tallest?









Ans: c

The facts are:

  1. S < N.
  2. S < P.
  3. N < H < A.
  4. P < N.

The ordering will be: S < P < N < H < A.

Question 5

Five boys ran a sack race -

  1. Amar ranked higher than Satpal.
  2. Satpal ranked higher than Prince.
  3. Amar ranked lower than Narinder.
  4. Kulbeer ranked between Amar and Satpal.

Who is the winner?









Ans: a

The facts are:

  1. S < A.
  2. P < S.
  3. A < N.
  4. S < K < A.

Just look at the left sides to shortlist your answer. It could be A, S or P. We can rule out A and S because they appear on left sides also. The answer is P for Prince.

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This Blog Post/Article "Ranking Test Quiz Set 05" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-02-08

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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