Statements and Assumptions Quiz Set 18

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Question 1

Statement: For better health have fruits instead of vitamin supplementing tablets.

Assumptions: .

  1. Vitamins are essential for good health.
  2. Vitamin supplementing tablets do not help at all in attaining good health.

Only I is implicit.


Only II is implicit.


Either I or II is implicit.


Neither I nor II is implicit.

Ans: a

Assumption I, i.e., Vitamins are essential for good health, is very obvious. Both tablets and fruits contain vitamins, but fruits help to a greater degree. So it is wrong to say that vitamins do not help at all. This rejects the assumption II.

Question 2

Statement: Mt. Everest is the tallest mountain peak of the world.

Assumptions: .

  1. It is good for skiing and tourists because it is the tallest.
  2. Other mountain peaks of the world are safer to travel.

Only I is implicit.


Only II is implicit.


Neither I nor II is implicit.


I and II are implicit.

Ans: c

The statement is about the height above sea level, and not about the utility of tall peaks from the tourism or safety angle.

Question 3

Statement: The policeman stopped a motorcyclist and asked him to produce his driving license.

Assumptions: .

  1. The motorcyclist has caused certain violations.
  2. The policeman thinks that the motorcyclist is a minor by age.

Only I is implicit.


Only II is implicit.


Either I or II is implicit.


I and II are implicit.

Ans: c

One of these things is possible, either the challan is being issued for some violations, or the policeman wants to ascertain whether the motorcyclist is eligible for driving.

Question 4

Statement: The largest computer manufacturing company slashed the prices of most of the desktop models by about 15 per cent with immediate effect.

Assumptions: .

  1. The company may incur heavy losses due to reduction in prices of the desktop.
  2. The sales of desktop manufactured by the company will increase substantially in the near future.

Only I is implicit.


Only II is implicit.


Either I or II is implicit.


Neither I nor II is implicit.

Ans: b

Only II can be assumed because a reduction in price is like an off season sale which attracts buyers.

Question 5

Statement: The daughter-in-law was surprised to see that a lot of food was left in the vessel, after everybody had been served.

Assumptions: .

  1. The food was not tasty.
  2. The family members didn't have appetite today.

Only I is implicit.


Only II is implicit.


Either I or II is implicit.


I and II are implicit.

Ans: c

One of these things is possible.

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This Blog Post/Article "Statements and Assumptions Quiz Set 18" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-02-08

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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