Statements and Conclusions Quiz Set 40

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Question 1

Statements:Some singers are heroes. All the heroes are beautiful.


  1. All the singers are beautiful.
  2. All the heroes are singers.

Only I follows.


Only II follows.


Either I or II follows.


Neither I nor II follows.

Ans: d

Question 2

Statements:Some fruits are trees. Some fruits are flowers. All the flowers are poets.


  1. Some flowers are trees.
  2. Some poets are fruits.
  3. All the fruits are poets.
  4. Some poets are trees.

Only I and II follows.


Only II follows.


Only I and III follows.


Only II and IV follows.

Ans: b

Question 3

Statements:All women are vertebrates. Some mammals are vertebrates.


  1. All women are mammals.
  2. All mammals are women.
  3. Some vertebrates are mammals.
  4. All vertebrates are women.

Only VI follows.


Only II follows.


Only III follows.


Only I follows.

Ans: c

Question 4

Statements:Some rooms are trees. All trees are rods.


  1. All rooms are rods.
  2. Some rooms are rods.
  3. Some trees are rooms.
  4. All rods are rooms.

Only I and IV follows.


Only II and III follows.


All follows.


None follows.

Ans: b

Question 5

Statements:Some table are gate. All gate are roads. Some roads are cups. All cups are chains.


  1. Some chains are table.
  2. Some cups are table.
  3. Some chains are gate.
  4. Some roads are table.

None follows.


Only II follows.


Only IV follows.


Only III and IV follows.

Ans: c

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This Blog Post/Article "Statements and Conclusions Quiz Set 40" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-03-03

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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