Partnerships Quiz Set 005

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Question 1

The investments of three partners are in an AP. Their venture makes an annual profit of Rs. 2700. What is the share of the partner who neither invested the most nor the least?


Rs. 900.


Rs. 1000.


Rs. 800.


Rs. 1100.

Ans: a

Let the investments be a - d, a and a + d. The sum of these investments = 3a. The share of the middle partner would be a/3a = (1/3)rd of the profit = $2700/3$ = Rs. 900.

Question 2

X and Y invest in a business in the ratio 7 : 13. If X earns Rs. 2800, what is the profit?


Rs. 8000.


Rs. 8001.


Rs. 7999.


Rs. 8002.

Ans: a

If X earns 7, the profit is 7 + 13. Then, if the earning is 2800, profit = ${7 + 13}/7$ × 2800 = Rs. 8000.

Question 3

During the first 3 months the investments of A and B were in the ratio 3:19. For the remaining months the investments were in the ratio 19:3. What will be the share of A in an annual profit of Rs. 13200?


Rs. 9000.


Rs. 9100.


Rs. 8900.


Rs. 9200.

Ans: a

The profits are shared in the ratio of money-months contributed by the partners. Money-months contributed by A are 3 × 3 + 9 × 19 = 180, whereas those by B are 3 × 19 + 9 × 3 = 84. The ratio of these money-months is 15:7. This is the ratio in which the profits would be divided. A's share = 13200 × $15/{15 + 7}$ = Rs. 9000.

Question 4

A and B invest in a business in the ratio 6 : 19. It was decided that any loss would be shared in the inverse ratio of the investments. If the total loss is Rs. 7500, what is the burden on A?


Rs. 5700.


Rs. 5800.


Rs. 5600.


Rs. 5900.

Ans: a

The loss is divided in the inverse ratio as their shares. So A's loss = $19/{6 + 19}$ × 7500 = Rs. 5700.

Question 5

P and Q start a business with investments in the ratio 3 : 14. After 3 months, P increases his capital by $1/3$th, and Q increases his capital by $1/14$th. If the profit at the end of 10 months is 736, then what is the share of P?


Rs. 148.


Rs. 248.


Rs. 48.


Rs. 348.

Ans: a

After 3 months, the ratio of their capitals is 4:15. The ratio of money-months of P and Q is ${3 × 3 + 4 × 7}/{14 × 3 + 15 × 7}$, which is $37/147$. Profit of P = $37/{37 + 147}$ × 736 = Rs. 148.

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This Blog Post/Article "Partnerships Quiz Set 005" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-04-26

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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