Percentages Quiz Set 016

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Question 1

The number of online customers increased from 1850 to 3575. What is the percentage increase?


$93{9/37}$ %.


$96{31/36}$ %.


$87{20/39}$ %.


$91{4/13}$ %.

Ans: a

The increase is 3575 - 1850 = 1725. The percentage increase is $1725/1850$ × 100 = ${3450/37}$, which is same as: $93{9/37}$.

Question 2

A sample of alcohol has 60% water, and another sample has 80% water. If equal volumes of both the samples are combined, what is the percentage of water in the new sample?


70 %.


72 %.


68 %.


74 %.

Ans: a

If 100 units of both alcohol are combined, there will be 140 units of water in 200 units of the new sample. The percentage of water is $140/200$ × 100 = 70%.

Question 3

The sum of two numbers is 1610. One of them is 130% of the other. The smaller number is?









Ans: a

Let the numbers be x and ${130x}/100$. The sum is x + ${130x}/100$ which is same as ${230x}/100 = 1610$. Solving we get the smaller number x = 700.

Question 4

If 7% of A + B = 11% of A - B, then what percent of B is A?


$4{1/2}$ %.


$5{1/2}$ %.


$3{1/2}$ %.


$3{3/4}$ %.

Ans: a

We have been given 7% of A + B = 11% of A - B, so ${A + B}/{A - B}$ = $11/7$. By componendo and dividendo, ${(A + B) + (A - B)}/{(A + B) - (A - B)}$ = ${11 + 7}/{11 - 7}$, which gives $A/B$ = $18/4$ = ${9/2}$, which is same as: $4{1/2}$%

Question 5

A shopkeeper sells 83% items of his stock and still has 34 items left with him. How many items did he have at the beginning?


200 items.


300 items.


500 items.


400 items.

Ans: a

Let the items be x. His % stock left is 100 - 83 = 17, so 17% of x = 34, which gives x = $34/17$ × 100 = 200 items.

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This Blog Post/Article "Percentages Quiz Set 016" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-05-12

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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