Percentages Quiz Set 018

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Question 1

Mr. X who spends 85% of his salary is able to save Rs. 255. What is his salary?


Rs. 1700.


Rs. 1800.


Rs. 1600.


Rs. 1900.

Ans: a

Let the salary be x. His saving% is 100 - 85 = 15, so 15% of x = 255, which gives x = $255/15$ × 100 = Rs. 1700.

Question 2

If 50% of X is Y, then Y% of 50 is?


25 % of X.


35 % of X.


15 % of X.


45 % of X.

Ans: a

We have Y = $(50 × X)/100$, so Y% of 50 is same as $(50 × X)/100$% × 50, which can be rearranged to $(50 × 50)/100$% × X = 25% of X.

Question 3

If 70% of X is Y, then Y% of 70 is?


49 % of X.


59 % of X.


39 % of X.


69 % of X.

Ans: a

We have Y = $(70 × X)/100$, so Y% of 70 is same as $(70 × X)/100$% × 70, which can be rearranged to $(70 × 70)/100$% × X = 49% of X.

Question 4

If 80% of X is Y, then Y% of 80 is?


64 % of X.


74 % of X.


54 % of X.


84 % of X.

Ans: a

We have Y = $(80 × X)/100$, so Y% of 80 is same as $(80 × X)/100$% × 80, which can be rearranged to $(80 × 80)/100$% × X = 64% of X.

Question 5

The service tax is 5%. A person receives a telephone bill amounting to Rs. 840. How much was the bill excluding tax?


Rs. 800.


Rs. 810.


Rs. 790.


Rs. 820.

Ans: a

Let the calls be for Rs. x. The total bill is x + 5% of x = ${21x}/20 = 840$, which gives x = Rs. 800.

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This Blog Post/Article "Percentages Quiz Set 018" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-05-12

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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