Ratio and Proportion Quiz Set 005

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Question 1

The ratio of shares of three friends in Rs. 2700 are in an A.P.(arithmtic progression). What is the share of the friend who is neither the richest, nor the poorest?


Rs. 900.


Rs. 904.


Rs. 896.


Rs. 908.

Ans: a

Let the shares be in the ratio a - d : a : a + d. The value of the middle item is $a/{(a - d) + a + (a + d)}$ × 2700 = $a/{3a}$ × 2700 = $2700/3$ = Rs. 900.

Question 2

Two numbers are in the ratio 5 : 12. If both are decreased by 49, the new ratio becomes 16 : 107. What is the first number?









Ans: a

Let the numbers be 5x and 12x. We are given ${5x - 49}/{12x - 49} = 16/107$. Solving, we get x = 13, so first number is 13 × 5 = 65.

Question 3

A bag contains 25p, 10p and 5p coins in the ratio 12 : 14 : 3. How many 25 paise coins are there if the total amount is Rs. 91?









Ans: a

Let the total number of coins be 12x, 14x and 3x. Please note that 25p = Rs. 1/4, 10p = Rs. 1/10, 5p = Rs. 1/20, so they add to x × $(12/4 + 14/10 + 3/20)$ = 91. LCM of 4, 10 and 20 is 20, multiplying both sides by 20 we have x × $(12 × 5 + 14 × 2 + 3)$ = 91 × 20, which is x × $(60 + 28 + 3)$ = 91 × 20, solving for x we get x = 20, so 25p coins = 20 × 12 = 240.

Question 4

Two numbers are in the ratio 19 : 9. If both are increased by 18, the new ratio becomes 52 : 27. What is the first number?









Ans: a

Let the numbers be 19x and 9x. We are given ${19x + 18}/{9x + 18} = 52/27$. Solving, we get x = 10, so first number is 10 × 19 = 190.

Question 5

A 350 liter mixture of milk and water contains 62% milk. How many more liters of water should be added so that the proportions of milk and water become equal?


84 liter.


85 liter.


83 liter.


87 liter.

Ans: a

The volume of milk will remain same at ${62 × 350}/100$ = 217 liters. The amount of water at present is 350 - 217 = 133 liters. We need to make the volume of water equal to that of the milk. So we have to add 217 - 133 = 84 liters of water.

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This Blog Post/Article "Ratio and Proportion Quiz Set 005" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-05-12

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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