Distance and Time Quiz Set 013

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Question 1

A traveler travelled partly by camel @5 km/h and partly by car @15 km/h. He travelled a total distance 220 km in 20 hours. How much distance did he cover with the camel?


40 km.


41 km.


39 km.


42 km.

Ans: a

Let us suppose that he travels x km with the camel, and the remaining (220 - x) km with the car. Total time is $x/5 + {220 - x}/15 = 20.$ Solving, we get x = 40 km.

Question 2

An aircraft was on a 440 km journey. Its engine developed a snag so it had to slow down. It's average speed reduced by 4km/h, as a result of which it reached its destination late by 1 hour. What was the actual duration of the journey?


10 hrs.


11 hrs.


9 hrs.


12 hrs.

Ans: a

Let x be the actual duration of the journey. Then, $440/x - 440/{x + 1} = 4$. Which gives 440 × $1/{x (x + 1)} = 4$. Solving for x, or by trying the options one by one, we get x = 10 hours.

Question 3

Two trains start simultaneously. The first train moves from Mumbai to Baroda, whereas the second train moves from Baroda to Mumbai. After they meet at a point in between, they respectively take 16 hours and 4 hours to reach their destinations. What is the ratio of their speeds?









Ans: a

If they take $t_1 and t_2$ hours respectively to reach their destinations, then the ratio of their speeds is $√t_2 : √t_1$. So we get $√4 : √16$, which gives 2 : 4, or ${1/2}$.

Question 4

Speeds of A and B are in the ratio 5 : 8. What is the speed of A if B can cover a distance of 32 Km in 1 hour?


20 kmph.


21 kmph.


19 kmph.


22 kmph.

Ans: a

The speed of B is 32/1 = 32 km/h. So, the speed of A = ${5 × 32}/8$ = 20 km/h.

Question 5

An object covers a distance of 1050 meters in 21 minutes. What is its speed?


3 kmph.


4 kmph.


2 kmph.


5 kmph.

Ans: a

The speed = distance/time. It is $1050/{21 × 60}$ × $18/5$ = 3 kmph.

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This Blog Post/Article "Distance and Time Quiz Set 013" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-05-06

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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