Statements and Assumptions Quiz Set 10

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Question 1

Statement: Many people fell ill after consuming meal at a wedding reception and were rushed to the nearby govt and private hospitals.

Assumptions: .

  1. The relatives of the affected people may refuse to take them to the govt. hospitals.
  2. The nearby hospitals may be able to attend to all the affected people.

Only I is implicit.


Only II is implicit.


Either I or II is implicit.


Neither I nor II is implicit.

Ans: b

Assumption (I) is absurd, Assumption (II) is implicit because people went to nearby hospital means hospitals will be able to solve the problem.

Question 2

Statement: The chairman of the company decided to hold a grand function to celebrate silver jubilee during the next weekend and invited a large number of guests.

Assumptions: .

  1. The company officials may be able to make all the necessary preparations for the silver jubilee celebration.
  2. Majority of the guests invited by the Chairman may attend the function.

Only I is implicit.


Only II is implicit.


I and II are implicit.


Neither I nor II is implicit.

Ans: c

Company officials may be able to make all necessary preparation so they invited the guests for silver jubilee. Most of the invitees are expected to attend, that's why this invitation.

Question 3

Statement: Please put more people on the job to make up for the delay.

Assumptions: .

  1. Delay is inevitable in jobs.
  2. Output will increase with more number of people on the job.

Only I is implicit.


Only II is implicit.


Either I or II is implicit.


Neither I nor II is implicit.

Ans: d

There is nothing that suggests I. More people will speed up things already in the pipeline. So II is also not implicit.

Question 4

Statement: Punjab Roadways does not provide concession to any one for travelling to certain holiday destinations.

Assumptions: .

  1. Punjab Roadways services are available for travelling to these holiday destinations.
  2. Punjab Roadways provides concession to certain persons for travelling to places other than these holiday destinations.

Only I is implicit.


Only II is implicit.


Either I or II is implicit.


Neither I nor II is implicit.

Ans: b

From the statement, we clearly say that Punjab Roadways provides concession to certain persons for travelling to places other than these holiday destinations.

Question 5

Statement: Traffic notice: "Drive slowly"


  1. Accidents will not take place.
  2. People will reach late to their offices.

Only I is implicit.


Only II is implicit.


Either I or II is implicit.


I and II are implicit.

Ans: a

The notice is basically with the assumption that people will drive more carefully. This will prevent the accidents. So I is implicit. There is nothing to suggest that by driving carefully and slowly we get late to the office.

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This Blog Post/Article "Statements and Assumptions Quiz Set 10" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-02-08

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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