Problems on Ages Quiz Set 005

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Question 1

My present age is 315 times the reciprocal of my age 6 years back. What is my present age?


21 years.


22 years.


20 years.


23 years.

Ans: a

Let the present age be x. Then $x = 315/{x - 6}$. At this stage a better option is that you try putting the given answers into this expression one by one. The other option is to simplify this expression into a quadratic equation $x × (x - 6)$ = 315. This can now be solved to give x = 21 years.

Question 2

The sum of ages of two friends is 12, whereas the product of their ages is 35. What is the sum of squares of their ages?


74 years.


75 years.


73 years.


76 years.

Ans: a

Let the ages be x and y. We are given x + y = 12, and xy = 35. Substituting in the identity $x^2 + y^2 = (x + y)^2 - 2 × xy$, we get $x^2 + y^2 = 12^2 - 2 × 35$ = 74.

Question 3

The ratio of ages of P and Q today is ${29/59}$. After 3 years, their ages will be in the ratio ${119/239}$. What is the age of P today?


116 years.


117 years.


115 years.


118 years.

Ans: a

Let the ages of P and Q be 29x and 59x. After 3 years the ratio would be ${29x + 3}/{59x + 3}$ = ${119/239}$. Solving, we get x = 4. So age of P = 29 × 4 = 116.

Question 4

When the daughter was born, the age of her mother was same as the daughter's age today. What was the age of the daughter 5 years back, if the age of the mother today is 36 years?


13 years.


14 years.


12 years.


15 years.

Ans: a

Clearly, the age of the mother is twice her daughter's present age. So the daughter's age today is 36/2 = 18 years. And, 5 years back the age of the daughter was 18 - 5 = 13 years.

Question 5

4 years back the ratio of ages of X and Y was ${13/27}$. The ratio of their ages 3 years from now would be ${10/17}$. What is the present age of X?


17 years.


18 years.


16 years.


19 years.

Ans: a

Let their present ages be x and y. Then ${x - 4}/{y - 4} = $ ${13/27}$. Similarly, ${x + 3}/{y + 3} = $ ${10/17}$. Solving these equations for x and y, we get y = 31, and x = 17 years as the answer.

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This Blog Post/Article "Problems on Ages Quiz Set 005" by Parveen (Hoven) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Updated on 2020-02-07. Published on: 2016-04-23

Posted by Parveen(Hoven),
Aptitude Trainer

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